daniel schmachtenberger iq

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November 4, 2022

But they have to ask now. But then as you move up into actual axioms, but axioms about say, physics. Looking at someone's development, and different aspects of cognition. I'm not going to get into that, because I think it's a distraction. And then, what do we think about best processes for developing what we would roughly call the kind of, any of the lines of intelligence, and I would say particularly the ones that relate to the it, or objective categories. So yeah, so that's a good insight. So, how Robbie case thought there was probably one for accounting mathematic spatiotemporal, and there's probably one for interpersonal. So, meditation is classic. He always tells the story of these two theoretical physicists. When it says to be capturing? Daniel is a deep thinker. And actually many people have an allergy to thinking about it in a more complex way. And so problem finding is along that trajectory of value. Zach, amongst other things, was the founder of a really fascinating organization called Lectica. And then you look at other scientists who have far transfer away from the scientific domain, typically just some other area, which then gives inspiration back to the scientific domain. So I think there's a need and people feel it, but they're supplementing their graduate education. Terms & Conditions And there are other things that, if they could change and not lose that, they would. You said one thing that was so important, which was complicated versus complex, that's one big distinction. If it is developable. We wanted to start a podcast where we could have these video dialogues, because we have such interesting and brilliant people in our network, who have various expertise in areas of neural science, cognitive enhancement, psychological development, et cetera. So again, we are back to the humanities, and we're back to yeah. 03:02 - Maximum Power Principle. So, one of the things that are wanting, is that people don't keep trying to just optimize the total amount of wheat yield of their mind, but they're actually seeking to optimize a lot more complex set of things, where you wouldn't even really call it optimizing. Daniel S.: So someone goes to a website where they take an article and break it up into 20 next buttons to maximize [crosstalk 00:44:28]. It supposedly drive neurogenesis, MRIs showed increased hippocampal volume, because you're actually increasing development 4? Now, that could be very frustrating, and you can separate it from everything else you know, and try to build it as an independence skill, or you can find a way to interweave this new skill development with your existing high-level skill. How do you see the need for hyper specialization changing with advanced technology, exponential tech, and automation? And so, it becomes less about one form of intelligence, and more about many, and the functional fit, and the unique profile of the individual. They know how to follow investigative patterns independently. Yeah, lectica. And then, you kind of get this helix model where are you're bringing in everything that you're growing, instead of growing things out in separate places. Schmachtenberger attended the Body Mind College and Maharishi International University, where he studied Counseling, Psychology, and Mathematics. The throughline of his interests has to do with ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. So, I think those are important. Also the number of unwitting Red Pills Weinstein drops is an added bonus." George from Youtube. Daniel Schmachtenberger's central interest is comprehensive civilization (re)design: developing adequate capacities for collective values generation, sense-making, and choice-making, in service to coordinated conscious sustainable evolutiontowards a world commensurate with our higher ideals and potentials. The Consilience Project publishes novel research at the leading edges of global risk mitigation, governance design and culture. Like a growing tree, many branches, like the darwinian metaphor. How does that relate to the total picture of what intelligence is? Like, I did terrible in these kinds of tests. The ability to stay in that zone of proximal development, with most, if not all of your tasks. Listen to the full podcast episode with Daniel Schmachtenberger: http://futurethinkers.org/36SIGN UP for our mailing list to get a FREE 50+ Page Adapt to the. So, you need to learn how you work. So that's kind of the brief history of where this instrument came from. So, let's go mechanistic for a minute. Zachary Stein: That's interesting. But the point being that, we are limited in ways we can grow, often by the sense of educational scarcity that surrounds us [inaudible 00:58:54]. So, this is the first of these dialogues. Very complex skill development. And so, the inside of the brain is that now, again, started to do some state practices, and you'll see that there's some of that. And, so that's another thing that our schooling in society gives us explicitly, but that were seeking on the side all the time. And then is there something that we can think of as general intelligence within the more cognitive domains, that is accessible? Zachary Stein: I don't know. Some of the IP is at Googe. But that's a deep question, and I think we're looking at a society of increasing neuro diversity, and increasing kind of unique individual niche fitting, and so we need to be careful and judicious about trying to fit square pegs into round holes. And so that again, just an example of what's being reflected by general learning [inaudible 00:49:31]. And then, there are problems people don't even know. I really appreciated this conversation with Coleman and found his perspective to be earnest and seeking to think clearly and fairly about important and often | 10 comments on LinkedIn But there are other domains. It's touching some things, it's what Roy Bhaskar, the great meta theorist, the great philosopher, the late great, he called it a demi reality, which is like, it's getting on something real, but it's a small version of what's real. But it's also changing over the course of the lifespan drastically, and I already sketched that hierarchy from the sensorimotor to the representational, to the abstract, to the principal, to the axiomatic. Now, that could be very frustrating, and you can separate it from everything else you know, and try to build it as an independence skill, or you can find a way to interweave this new skill development with your existing high-level skill. To the degree that we are wanting to raise children to fill roles in a predefined society, we of course don't want them to ask. So, when we look at what intelligence is, what it has to do is, it's these kind of skillful manipulation, or operation. But then you can be focused on very different topics, and you might say that some topics, obviously whether the information is accurate or not and if it's factual information kind of matters. And it's about that zone of proximal development, or the quote Goldilocks, which is that zone that's not too hard, but not too easy. Metametaphysics - David Chalmers (Editor), David Manley (Editor), Ryan Wasserman (Editor) Zach, this was a blast. Definitely. And you don't know, you can't connect those dots. So, the explicitly [inaudible 00:31:45] far transfer, or even near transfer, is what you are saying. He earns his wealth from his career, therefore, he has amassed a fortune over the years. For something that is actually a complex dynamic, which means ordered in fundamentally different ways. That was really the main, in my mind, what they wanted to capture. And that's a spectrum of hierarchical complexity that takes literally decades to unfold, and the right socio-cultural conditions. And I think the answer is yes. I forget the physics and math, it doesn't mean you're going to be good at dance. What are the problems with how we think about it? Millions of years. If we find a product or service we love, we want to share that with our community. And that may mean, work in a hospice care. How does the assessment affect the nature of what we're assessing, all of that. Also not valued in the Army and the places where IQ test find the people who do the work right. So I think the first issue is too kind of fill that out, but just to say to fill out the rest of your profile of what you're capable of doing. So good, it's the numbers are great if they're measuring something that's there. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Privacy Policy Among the solutions, Daniel and Harris discussed was the example of Audrey Tang and the Taiwanese governments adoption of participatory technologies to strengthen civil society. Zachary Stein: Right. What's the difference in what's happening with those people, and how much of that is intrinsic versus developed, versus reinforced. In response to its environment. But that's a learning modality thing. And so, you find all these stories of high achieving dyslexics, and at some point in their childhood, they found something that they were just passionate about. So let's take a Bucky Fuller, polymath type, or maybe like a Paul Erds, almost savant extreme specialists type. So, that's deep. I forget the physics and math, it doesn't mean you're going to be good at dance. in Counseling Psychology at Body Mind College. But there are things that shorten our attention span by design, and so we need to avoid these things, because they teach us that that's how information works, or that's how learning is. What can I transform? How should we think about intelligence? And their capacity roughly matches to their cognitive intelligence capacity. I think it was sometimes explicitly it's meditation, but rock concerts, movies, all these things are subtle state inducing, [inaudible 01:00:00]. But like, I'm going to make a distinction between things that increase capacity where the capacity was already decreased from baseline because of pathology. As president, Grant worked to build . Right so when it comes to health planning, we're going to build tools that out hill climb us. I mean, it's very regimented if you think about the training for example of the highly specialized engineers and doctors, and these people. Literally, because of the political economy with testing industry. So, when we think about hyper specialization within a very specific line, and maybe even a specific subset of the line, versus some cross-training that leads to different kind of journalistic capacities. It's interesting. But it's not as theorized as a needs to be. About a general intelligence, and about its genetic heritability. Daniel S.: And, does IQ map more to hill climbing than valley crossing? On this episode we meet with founding member of The Consilience Project, Daniel Schmachtenberger.In Part 3 of their series, Schmachtenberger and Hagens explo. How well does IQ map to actual proclivity there? Daniel S.: Independent of what you're sitting, studying, just focusing for a period of time, focused in the muscle of focus, whether it's changing neural structures and the [inaudible 00:45:19] of it, or whatever it is. In terms of excellence, what used to be in terms of machines that can out play a violin or whatever. So this is why you need layers of self-reflection. And so, the inside of the brain is that now, again, started to do some state practices, and you'll see that there's some of that. So, an intrinsic part, that's part of it. Now you start to learning the piano, and you've never played before, but you have a PhD in something, you're going to have to be like a little kid for many weeks, many months, maybe years. Daniel is married to his beautiful wife Roxanne DePalma. var cid='2438531626';var pid='ca-pub-3621518944223410';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-biographyhost_com-box-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1002%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);container.style.width='100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Pain is pathology. This is a question, and then we have to go deeper and think, well then what the nature of the mind? I call it a mongrel concept, which is to say it's a concept that supervenes on the actual realities of the mind. So, this is wonderful. I think the way you described how it probably works is probably correct now, we have to remember of course that there were moving IQ tests we're not necessarily moving IQ. I have two friends where I've had this conversation and the last few weeks, who have something like six standard deviations more computational processing power than most people. Things like reductionist metrics and wrong metrics are a concern for you, but metrics, objective metrics about subjectivity are their own category of nightmare. We look at the objective branch, right? I think everyone has a kind of intuitive sense of something that relates to processing speed and memory, and computational power, that is kind of in distinction to artistic inclination, or interpersonal inclination. And where there is relevance or not to that story. Hopefully, I won't actually be doing much talking today. When you show them this number line, they are doing as well in first grade as any of these kids from the suburbs, because I got the basic structure of the mathematical domain, which was in a simplified manner, the number line. California Privacy Notice So, that's different than intelligence. Given that your life came from theirs, helping your parents complete their lives tends to be particularly meaningful. Things like the lectica can help with that. The throughline of his interests has to do with ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. I think of them as kind of invasive species, and the ecology of the mind. Daniel S.: Exactly. And that's important to realize, it's part of the broader global transformation as a global transformation way knowledge is produced. How do we make it a better machine, a better computer, a better robot, a better turing machine, whatever, right? What was in their genes, and what became epigenetic from the womb. So, this is the view. And so I'm not a big fan of the instrument itself. This is a fundamental question, because, without good sensemaking, people cannot even begin to act in the world. It's actually true that dyslexics who succeed, the reason they succeed is not because of the special training they receive, typically it's because they attached an intrinsic motivation through something like reading. Daniel has dedicated an essay about his father titled What I learned about being a man from my Dad. He had mentioned in the writing that his father was like a god to him when he was a kid. And that's, I think, good for a few reasons. And you need to bring more to it. That's profound. Daniel is an American founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue. Busting the demi reality to get to the actual reality of intelligence. Using that shitty old metric, for whatever it's worth, so there is a neural feedback study that showed multiple point increase in a week of a particular form of medical neurofeedback that was statistically significant. And they have very little interest in anything like general intelligence, and thought it was actually a concept that was dangerous. First on the physical, then on representations, then on abstractions, then on principles and axioms. And how does that correlate to reality? We can just jump down the rabbit hole Dan, but we need to go. 11:37 - Ecological economics + the problems . And so, they create these virtuous cycles of learning for themselves naturally throughout life, as opposed to being kind of extrinsically motivated and driven. Right? Zachary Stein: I think it's a [inaudible 01:03:52] because these are deep questions and a philosophy of education. And so, the IQ test became this, and it truncated on thinking about the nature of intelligence. Welcome everybody to the Neurohacker Collective Podcast, Collective Insights. #191 - Daniel Schmachtenberger: Steering Civilization Away from Self-Destruction. And so, I think we need to have a quality only inside of that quanta, which is to say what does it feel like after going through those types of biofeedback? And it also showed elevation of IQ amongst other meaningful scores. Or you go to the gym, and then you come home, and eat shit or whatever. Daniel S.: Have you seen any correlation of things like, different forms of imaging? He had obviously allocated, something had happened where all of the horsepower was allocated in a way that created real novel value. But when you start thinking about, well then what does it measure? youtube.com Anti-Rivalry, QAnon, and SOCIs - Jordan (Green)Hall So learn about the nature of learning scientifically, but also learn about your own unique learning needs and patterns. later, he earned the title A.B.D. And so, you're not learning. I'm so, and some institutional, text, it's very valuable. So, my favorite phrase of Piaget, is the idea that intelligence is the grasp of consciousness. That's one way to think about it, but you're also this very complex growing organism. 00:40 - Daniel Schmachtenberger info + TGS episodes part 1 and part 2 and part 3 + Overview of Nate's story: Animated videos, Economics for the Future - Beyond the Superorganism. And it seems to me like, problem solving within an already existing problem domain, kind of maps to hill climbing. I mean, that's the million dollar question in a way. And we are very excited to have the first conversation being with Dr. Zachary Stein. And so, it's interesting. You need to actually co-opt the opioid cycle, the dopamine opioid cycle, into these learning these virtuous Cycles, as opposed to things, like for example a video game. But if you're creating a cycle on feedback that's not accurate, then you can get off course. A co-founder there, which is a method for advanced psychometric development across lots of lines. I have just a part of a voice here today, so forgive that. I think there are probably no scores that people have identified with as being important metrics of their capacity than IQ maybe. If you enjoy it, consider rating it 5 stars. We assure our audience that we will remove any contents that are not accurate or according to formal reports and queries if they are justified. The multiple lines of intelligence model. And at the same time, created the multiple choice test. One, is that the world we're moving into as in a world where monocultures are going to survive, on multiple levels. We're talking about those forms of creativity that break into new realms. And it's basically censoring motor coordination activities. That's kind of stereotype, but we don't know the range of people's multiple intelligences, which is to say, the first step for many people is just to explore lives that they have not explored. So, thank you. And it means supervening on the traditional research academy, in blurring those boundaries. Which is just basically, is it innate, or can you change this thing? 21:06 Does IQ Map to Success in Some Areas? There's clearly some genetic [inaudible 00:40:20]. Research and design, they figured out how to capture it really well. But it's clear that there are differences, and there are things that are harder to change, and things that are more malleable. And then is there something that we can think of as general intelligence within the more cognitive domains, that is accessible? Daniel helped co-found the Neurohacker Collective, specifically focused on the research and product development process. We're just starting to understand complex systems. Remarkable figures out new shit, excellent does a good job at predefined stuff. Daniel S.: No, this is good. And there's something like 7,000 genes that we've identified actually have epigenetic modulation with different forms of exercise. Master one's own self first. 2022 And that's a spectrum of hierarchical complexity that takes literally decades to unfold, and the right socio-cultural conditions. Cause and effect, then you get hypothetical deductive reasoning. Yeah. They have to be. And so likewise, it's not that you're not getting at something, you're getting at something, but it's demi reality. This is probably our favourite episode with Daniel. It's not in any way a theory about the nature of the mind, or about the nature of intelligence. Want to Read. So, Rubik's Cube is obviously problem solving. Other people can move up and down this abstraction and complexity, and let's say at music or dance. Besides, Schmachtenberger also has a website,civilizationemerging.com, a collection of his publicly available content. How should we think about intelligence? I think Kurt Fischer again, I keep bringing him up. And that analogy is so apt, because the monoculture of agriculture, came around the same time that we got these mass post-war high schools. And it means supervening on the traditional research academy, in blurring those boundaries. But when you start thinking about, well then what does it measure? No, absolutely. And then you get the metrics that work, and then those are scary for a different reason. It's so hard to tell. The honest answer is, I don't know how to assess it. Zachary Stein: Beautiful. The interests include ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. So not everyone can sit with a book for 45 minutes, but they can do 15 minutes, get up, stare into space, walk around 15 minutes, go up, stare into space, walk around. So, when we think about hyper specialization within a very specific line, and maybe even a specific subset of the line, versus some cross-training that leads to different kind of journalistic capacities. Carlsbad, CA. To apply, please send a CV and a brief cover letter describing your suitability and alignment to alex@civilizationresearch.org. You would think that if it didn't map in some way to reality, the concept wouldn't have withstood this much time. This site is a collection of Daniels public content. Reality of intelligence actually a concept that supervenes on the research and design, they figured out how to it... Problem finding is along that trajectory of value a co-founder there, means. Which is just basically, is what you are saying to stay in that zone of proximal development, the. Being important metrics of their capacity roughly matches to their cognitive intelligence capacity we need to learn you... 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