exodus 12:37 commentary

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November 4, 2022

The ten plagues follow (Exodus 7:1-25; Exodus 8:1-32; Exodus 9:1-35; Exodus 10:1-29; Exodus 11:1-10), on which one or two general remarks may be made. The scripture just calls him the destroyer. Paul tells us that, "When you plant a seed into the ground, the seed doesn't come forth into new life until it first of all dies, and then the body that comes out of the ground isn't the body that you planted"( 1 Corinthians 15:38 ). And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, [little scrub bush] and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning ( Exodus 12:16-22 ). Never do we meet with language like this in the New Testament. It is clear that salvation here is not simply that a person is purged from guilt, but the real application of Christ's work in all its fulness; only that we have it not yet for our bodies. See Judah Leon's Relation of Memorable Things, &c. p. 2. Lord's promise to Abraham was fulfilling. We are bought with a price. This group proved to be a source of trouble in Israel and led the Israelites in complaining and opposing Moses (e.g., Numbers 11:4). Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. He was called Gershom, which means this "a stranger here.". They must fight; but victory turns on the one who is pleading for them on the hill. Yet here was just the situation. It also relates the miraculous deliverance from Egypt beginning with the plagues on Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea. make less than twelve hundred thousand more. Their effort is to strip and reduce them to the uttermost by exalting circumstances, which bear a somewhat similar appearance either ordinarily or occasionally, to a measure of correspondence. (Exodus 12:37-42); and Special Instructions Regarding Non-Israelites and the Covenant . And the Egyptians were urgent upon the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste; for they said, We'll all be dead. They lived and believed in Jesus and are now dead. Exodus 12 - Commentary by Rev. But a foreigner and a hired servant shall not eat. ", Accordingly, as a message to Israel, surrounded by the vanities of the heathen those imaginary objects of adoration whose rle really was that of demons taking advantage of man's superstition and folly, it was a fine and an admirable name for those who might ask it: "I AM hath sent me.". Home; My Books; . And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all of the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; the firstborn of the cattle. Without it there is nothing good, righteous, or holy, as far as we are concerned; without it there is no adequate dealing with sin; without it there is no vindication of the majesty of God. Hence therefore the children of God may surely gather what its antitype must be to God Himself. If we say that the people could travel at 2-3 miles per hour, which is realistic, this would take about 12-15 hours to make this trip. Ver. "And thus then shall ye eat; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is Jehovah's passover.". God is saying that to us tonight, as far as death is concerned and life is concerned. And until you had gone through these three things, you were not really considered a Jew. contr. ", "According toExodus 6:2; Exodus 6:2, etc., Moses received his divine commission to deliver the people out of bondage in Egypt. So their being cut off brought salvation to the Gentiles, but God is going to restore them again. The name Succoth (i. e. tents or booths in Hebrew), may have been given by the Israelites, but the same, or a similar word, occurs in Egyptian in connection with the district. "I have been a stranger in a strange land," is the word of comment that is made upon him. The location of Succoth is unknown, but it was probably only a few miles from Rameses. Exodus 12:37 - Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. Solemn but infinite favour! Else we find either no water whatever, or the water brackish and undrinkable. He knows it is God; he has the consciousness that he is doing wrong in refusing it; yet he does refuse because he does not like and dare not trust God, whose word interferes with everything that he likes. . They find an excitement, they find it's fun to be around, they find that it's an interesting thing, but there is not a true heart commitment unto God. (Compare Deuteronomy 26:5). _ 1. How slow we are to learn the perfectness of the word of God! These people would either be the result of intermarriage, or else kindred Semitic groups who seized the opportunity to escape. The site of Succoth cannot be exactly determined, but it lay about halfway between Rameses and Etham Exodus 13:20. Because the people lusted, this food was sent in anger to destroy them. And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day I have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. And they baked the unleavened cakes out of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were thrust out of the land, nor could they wait, neither had they prepared for themselves any victuals. THE EXODUS. If the numbers of the Exodus given here are not correct, how were the Israelites able to subjugate thirty-two kingdoms of Canaan? THE INSTITUTION OF THE PASSOVER. Exodus 12:37-51 View this passage in NIV (Bible Gateway) Harry Bollback, co-founder of Word of Life Fellowship often says it is good to remember the good hand of the Lord, and he will share a miracle story from the early days of Word of Life. Here man had to face death, and that in what was dearest to him his first-born. Of this people often lose the true force by an unscriptural phraseology. ( Romans 9:21 ). The free gift of the Spirit of God to us in our thirst and weariness depends simply on Christ suffering for us Christ coming under judicial dealing, the rod of God as applied to that rock. Now as long as you were in the house where the blood was applied, you were safe. Give nature its place, and what belongs to it; but always maintain the superiority of grace in order to do so. See Joshua 2:9. "I mean eat the whole thing, eat until you can't eat anymore. 1. (1.) Probably the host spread itself out, and proceeded to the rendezvous in front of the Ras Sufsafeh by several routes, of which Moses traces only the one which he himself followed. Firstborn and the Exodus "The anger of Jehovah was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother?" There were other requisitions on God's part which showed that this had another and an infinitely more solemn character than the preceding plagues. Here the name appears in a Hebrew or Hebraized form. 1750. 41And at the end of four hundred and thirty years,tothe very day,all the hosts of theLordwent out from the land of Egypt. We may say then, as a prophet did later, that they groaned; but they did not groan to God. John Mackay: Verse 42 is a transitional verse, which plays on the word keep vigil to explain why the Passover was celebrated at night. The impression of "borrowing" given in the Authorized Version is by no means necessary, nor does the connection justify it. Moses was the responsible person; and God held to His order. They cannot deny that there is all possible difference between the reddish tint of the Nile for some weeks in June, without one of these consequences as compared with so severe a blow in or about January on the river of their pride and idolatry, which had seen the cruel death of Israel's male children. It doesn't really make sense from an intellectual standpoint. It is sad to hear a so-called orthodox antagonist of rationalism weaken the tenth infliction (Exodus 11:1-10) by the remark that "it must not be inferred that none of the first-born remained alive in the land, or that none besides the first-born died." Cole: A mixed multitude. And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle. Salvation was, and is, totally of God. "He that liveth and believeth on Me", Jesus said, "will never die"( John 11:26 ). For [The Lord said] I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all of the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord ( Exodus 12:12 ). They're not really totally God's people; they're mixed. SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND ON FOOT THAT WERE MEN, BESIDE CHILDREN._ The self-same principle applies to hundreds of passages in the Scriptures; and therefore it seemed well to make a few remarks in a more general shape. We all know what the Egyptians thought of the Nile. But customs are customs, so I guess we're gonna have to be customized.Now the lamb that was to be chosen had to be of the first year, had to be without blemish, it had to be separated from the flock for four days to make sure that it was without blemish. We have here an account, 1. It might have included Egyptians that had come to faith in the LORD during the plagues (9:20) as well as other enslaved ethnic groups. Here too there is no excuse for a different author or document, as the codicil ofExodus 13:1-22; Exodus 13:1-22 is Jehovistic equally withExodus 12:1-51; Exodus 12:1-51, and adds the fresh thought of the sanctification to Jehovah of all the first-born in Israel, whether of man or of beast. At first they may have been involved in a general way, but gradually a separation is made more and more plain. And the only hope of salvation was through the blood. Note, The great things God does for his people are not to be a nine days' wonder, as we say, but the remembrance of them is to be perpetuated throughout all ages, especially the work of our redemption by Christ. God is always creating questions, deliberately, setting things up to create questions in the mind of a child to give you the opportunity to teach. Thus we belong to Him we are not our own, but His. Do we as Christians quarrel with such matters? What is yeast? The great things God does for his people, are to be not only a few days' wonder, but to be remembered throughout all ages; especially the work of our redemption by Christ. In a certain sense what was set forth is yet more important, as it lies at the bottom of communion, without which there could be none according to God's holy nature. Exodus 12:38 tells us the "mixed multitude went up with" the children of Israel. The Israelites had been in Egypt for 430 years. This is taken notice of because it was long before Pharaoh would give them leave to remove their effects, which were chiefly cattle, Genesis 46:32. Reason #3 - Furthermore, this was a sacred meal and you did not want pieces of food dropped outside for animals to eat. The Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you ( Exodus 12:1-2 ). There are at least three reasons why: Reason #1 - Because this best memorialized the fact that the final plague demanded that the family be inside the house, protected by the blood . The numbering at Sinai gave 603,550 males of 20 years old and upwards (Numbers 1:46), and 22,000 male Levites of a month old and upwards (Numbers 3:39). Exodus 9:20) and an assortment of other people including other enslaved Semites. Oh no they're not. Look at authority in the world, or at that which pertains to man, or at the resources of nature: a man brings the vouchers of One who was sovereign over every domain. It is plain therefore, that salvation requires and involves not only the death but the life of Christ; that salvation supposes not merely guilt removed through His blood, but ourselves maintained, and to be brought through all difficulties, past, present, and future. In Him is concentrated the full power of the change that will follow in due time, as He is the firstfruits of that glorious harvest. It is Moses, a man of whom the Spirit of God has made the largest use not only in the Old Testament but in the New, as in so many forms shadowing forth the Lord Jesus. They had worshiped the flies, they had worshiped the frogs, they had worshiped the Nile River, and God exercised His judgment against their gods. How big is God?" So, He is magnifying Himself. A token by which when God sees the blood there on the doorposts, He would pass over that house and the firstborn would not die. Paralysis, or palsy as it is called in our version, is the type of the effects of sin as thoroughly destructive of human strength of sin in its plunging the guilty into a state of weakness "without strength, as it is said in the Epistle to the Romans. [Interesting, no matter how pagan a person is, they sure appreciate prayer when they're in trouble.] 3. And this has an amazing effect upon the spiritual man, who nourishes himself on the sound words of God, because we are all apt otherwise to be careless and to use words lightly. THE PASSOVER FEAST But the distance between these two places was not so great; for Succoth from Rameses it is computed was eight miles f only. They too would be the chosen vessel of His power in their weakness, and this for ever in His mercy. If a man did not identify with the covenant promises by the rite of circumcision he could not celebrate the Passover (12:44, 48-49). The force of this is made still more manifest by what follows. Aaron's rod of priestly grace from before Jehovah), and he and Aaron to speak to the rock before the eyes of the people, when it should give forth water. In the Jews' celebration of their Passover, a stranger wasn't to eat of it. Thursday night's more of the family. You do show the Lord's death until He comes. And He shall be fling over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Jehovah, and His name one. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. "Woe unto him who strives with his Maker.". It was impossible to deny the peculiarity of some of the plagues. It tells the approximate number of nascent soldiers involved and indicates that, already, many people had become Israelites by faith choice rather than by birth. He gave explicit instructions how He wanted His people to memorialize and celebrate their deliverance from Egypt. of those leaving and the connection backwards with when they fir Exodus 12:30 Christ Himself is the manna of the people of God. They were not to be in anywise cast down by the first replies. The quails are brought by a wind from the sea, and the eating of them produces a plague among the people. This was the more touching, because He knew right well how these very men were about to disgrace Him. The chosen name that Jesus habitually puts forward is "Son of man." He surely learned. Exodus 37:6. Apion, l. 1. sect. At the news of the goodness of God, the people adore Him; but the In due time the unforgetting heart of God shows His remembrance of Israel. And they spoiled the Egyptians. to the Old Testament here for instance is astounding. Verse 37 itself is a turning point in the book of Exodus. In the number of men which he reports, he commends the incredible miracle of Gods favor in increasing and multiplying their race. It is said that Jehovah met and sought to kill him. But there was more; and hence a far more personal test. For food, they baked the dough which they had brought out of Egypt into cakes of unleavened bread. And it came to pass at the end of four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of Jehovah went out from the land of Egypt. Genesis 15:13; Genesis 46:6-7). He's bent on our destruction. I. Whether or not such a view is fully correct concerning Israel, it is certainly the case with many Christians who lose their enthusiasm for the truth, who slip back into the careless and sinful ways of the world and neglect the plainest and most urgent duties of the Christian life. They are made to feel the necessity of dependence on the one who is not in the fight, but outside it, and above it all. God hardens because man refuses His word. Hence man gives himself up to unbelief, and then God may either at that or a later time, according to His own wisdom, seal up a person in a judicial hardness which is a distinct positive act on God's part. (4) no bone of the lamb could be broken. The apostle says, "God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: much more then, being now justified by his blood" (it is evidently the same grand truth as the Passover), "we shall be saved from wrath through him." However Jehovah does declare in full His deep interest in the people. Exodus 12. And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they asked of the Egyptians [instead of borrowed] jewels of silver, jewels of gold, and raiment: And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they gave [rather than lent] such things to them such things as they required. So coming into this new relationship with God, it's to be the beginning, start counting from here. And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are: [The Lord declared,] when I see the blood, I will pass over you ( Exodus 12:13 ). It was not merely what God was going to perform. 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for themselves any victual. We are planted in weakness; we are raised in power. will have it to mean "armed," in flagrant inconsistency with the context, because it is so taken elsewhere; and this in order to urge the impossibility of 600,000 "warriors." You ever notice how many questions they ask? . Because seven is such a symbolic number, and such a significant number in symbolism, the many feasts take place in the seventh month. If this furnish the direct reason why there could be no such fulfilment, the moral hindrances from the state of Israel from man fallen were quite as real, though necessarily indirect. A big group either way you look at it. God is seeking to draw you into the highest life, life on the spiritual plane. 1:11. Hence we find here that God permits the full power of the enemy to be arrayed against Israel. It must be done, and with incomparably greater pain and shame to herself than if done in God's time and way. This is about a days journey beginning on the east side of the Nile delta. It is astonishing what a difference it makes when one can afford and has made up one's mind to drop self. So the blood of Christ is never to be trodden under foot, thus the blood was to be put upon the side posts, and the upper door posts of the house, but not on the threshold. If any part of it was sung at the time the Hebrews passed over, it was probably the words of the first verse . Bibliographical InformationHenry, Matthew. TRANSLATION In Exodus 7:1-25 begins the great struggle, and wonders upon wonders awfully fall on the devoted land of Egypt. The children of EXPOSITION 5:11. Although circumstances may alter, He abides alone wise and alone good. Let us remember this. But at length comes the last plague inflicted, the slaying of the first-born in the land, and with it the line of demarcation still more evident between the friends and foes of Jehovah. We must distinguish between the statement of a fact in the Bible and any sanction given to it. The one represents Moses as asking for a temporary release of the people (Exodus 5:3, etc); the other for their entire deliverance (Exodus 6:11; Exodus 7:2; Exodus 9:35; Exodus 11:10).". Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the tenth day of this month every man shall . - Anon. Now no stranger is to eat of the Passover. Verses 37 41 summarize the exit from Egypt. . For one reason or another these people took this opportunity to leave or escape from Egypt with the Israelites. That's too bad. All that the narrative requires is that the main body of the people should have been encamped in front of Sinai, have heard the Decalogue delivered, and consented to the covenant. 37 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Sukkoth. Besides a multitude of old and infirm persons who would be obliged to ride on camels and asses, c., and who must, from the proportion that such bear to the young and healthy, amount to many thousands more! 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