global environmental change journal ranking

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November 4, 2022

Marin A, Berkes F. Local peoples accounts of climate change: to what extent are they influenced by the media? Decision-making by farmers regarding ecosystem services: factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica. How warm days increase belief in global warming. Perceived and actual rainfall trends and variability in eastern Uganda: implications for community preparedness and response. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews. tornadoes/cyclones/tsunamis/earthquakes), Seasonal movement or permanent migration to avoid risk or in search of better circumstances, Hunter mobility on arctic sea ice; pastoralist seasonal migrations; crop siting, Flow of material and symbolic goods and services, Controlling the circulation or consumption of limited or critical resources, Water conservation or recirculation in rain-fed agricultural schemes, Sharing or linking of assets (wealth, labor, knowledge), Improved risk management through sharing of information and technology assets, Changing the portfolio of food, income sources, etc. We compare our typology to existing literature, where Climate Politics and Environmental Justice are under-appreciated, and we discuss ways to expand on the data and methods of this study. Global Environmental Change citation style guide with bibliography and in-text referencing examples: Journal articles Books Book chapters Reports Web pages. Full journal title: Global Environmental Change: Abbreviation: Glob. Perceptions of climate change and willingness to save energy related to flood experience. The Changing Global Environment | Wiley The global environmental future is a matter of major scientific and public importance. (2 years)). Yet, human perceptibility of GEC (particularly climate change) has been somewhat disputed in the last decades (see Rudiak-Gould 2013). The new PMC design is here! government site. The most commonly documented types of environmental change that were reportedly perceived by the peoples studied were phenology/seasonality, rainfall change, temperature change, and biodiversity change. Bunce M, Mee L, Rodwell LD, Gibb R. Collapse and recovery in a remote small islanda tale of adaptive cycles or downward spirals? That said, there are many challenges related to gathering and presenting LK and integrating it into Western scientific research. Indigenous perception of changes in climate variability and its relationship with agriculture in a Zoque community of Chiapas, Mexico. For instance, the perception of negative effects linked to environmental change may in some cases be partially offset by the benefits that may result from certain change, as seen in the case of oil exploitation in northwestern Siberia providing new market opportunities for reindeer herders, despite environmental degradation (Forbes et al. The concept of change is also something that we argue needs to be considered from a cultural and ontological perspective (Barnes et al. The U.S. The negative perceptions may also be related to the ever more unpredictable nature of GEC; hence, a source of insecurity. Lauer M, Aswani S. Indigenous knowledge and long-term ecological change: detection, interpretation, and responses to changing ecological conditions in Pacific Island communities. 2 One problem of this itemisation of goals is that it separates environmental considerations from health considerations. Some of the articles (e.g., Marin 2010) showed how LK can point toward areas that need more researche.g., where there is disagreement between LK and Western science (Gearheard et al. Overall, we found great variation in both the thematic foci and types of GEC that the articles covered. Alessa LN, Kliskey AA, Williams P, Barton M. Perception of change in freshwater in remote resource-dependent Arctic communities. Local knowledge and perceptions of GEC are important in that agents make decisions (including on natural resource management) based on individual perceptions. 2009, 2010), while others showed, with the help of mental models, that people recognize linkages and feedbacks between events, processes, and causes, interwoven both at local and global scales (Bunce et al. As our findings illustrate, there are a number of gaps in the current GEC research in terms of scale and causality, resulting in little evidence of how local societies perceive concepts of scale (e.g., global or local) and the possible interactions between scales. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Additionally, there is the possibility that what external scientists understand as local or global (be it knowledge, responses, strategies, for example) may not necessarily be seen or self-perceived as such by local people themselves. The processes driving GEC result from complex articulations of human actions (IGBP 2004, IPCC 2007) as well as from biological and physical processes, sometimes resulting from the accumulation of even multiple localized processes (Turner et al. We exposed California grassland to elevated CO 2, temperature, precipitation, and nitrogen deposition for five years. It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is. Some of the critical parameters are listed below. The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. IEEE Article Again, combining standardized approaches with decolonized ones brings with it new challenges, but by following the road maps already laid out by scholars in this area (e.g., Cornell et al. Nadasdy P. The gift in the animal: the ontology of hunting and humananimal sociality. As several outlets have noted, the current health crisis calls attention to the longer-term issue of whether climate . Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions is an international, interdisciplinary journal spanning the social and natural sciences. View original list of SJR ranking (provides no access to journal content). Childrens affiliations with nature: structure, development, and the problem of environmental generational amnesia. In other words, agents make decisions (e.g., on the use of natural resources) based on individual perceptions rather than on measured variables or more diagnosed criteria (Oba and Kotile 2001, Maule and Hodgkinson 2002, Voyer et al. Simply the asking of change from people who may or may not perceive any change may create a bias in the results. A conceptually interesting paper by Orlove et al. ), Whether the article took into account (1) or not (0) local ethnological explanations of change, e.g. This study applies the global crop model PEGASUS to quantify, for the first time at the global scale, impacts of extreme heat stress on maize, spring wheat and soybean yields resulting from 72 climate change scenarios for the 21st century. Yet, while the documentation of GEC is becoming more readily available, local perceptions of GEC particularly in small-scale societiesand preferences about how to deal with it, are still largely overlooked. Areas include biodiversity and ecosystem services, water resources, climate change, international agreements, North-South relations, land use and cover change, institutions and governance. Through this initial scan, we eliminated 50 articles, which left us with a total of 126 articlesall published in peer-reviewed journals between 1998 and mid-2014 (see Appendix 2 for the full list of articles reviewed). Besides reports on its key events and standalone publications such as the Global Competitiveness Report, the Global Risks Report and the Global Gender Gap Report, the Forum . Some of the most prominent global companies are Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Nestle, Honda, Coca-Cola, Anheuser-Busch InBev, and HSBC. As early as the mid-19th century, scholars wrote about the role of natural resources in global security and political economy. Inuit and scientific perspectives on the relationship between sea ice and climate: the ideal complement? 1. Recent calls for more social science research on GEC have come from a number of scholars (Monastersky 2009, Hulme 2011, Turnhout et al 2012, Barnes et al. An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. Climate change in Eastern Tibetan villages. Cognitive processes influencing change perceptions that were given particular attention included the endowment effect (Patt and Schrter 2009), availability heuristics (Meze-Hausken 2009), change blindness (Alessa et al. We carried out a systematic literature review that aims to provide an exhaustive state-of-the-art of the degree to and manner in which the study of local perceptions of change are being addressed in GEC research. FOIA Henrich J, Heine SJ, Norenzayan A. Laidler GJ. 2001, Hirsch et al. We discuss the possible reasons for these results further in this article. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 3.154. However, due to the low resolution of global models at the local scale, some authors are starting to untangle the complex interconnection of GEC processes using a bottom-up approach, from the local to the global (Cox 1997, Byg and Salick 2007). Changes to the global environment pose one of the greatest public health challenges. The rise of the internet, the shifts in the power of sovereign national states, the intricate intertwining of global markets, and the enormous numbers of people migrating across regions and continents trying to escape wars, environmental degradation, or disasters have prompted several scholars to . Schneider SH, Root TL. Examples of such processes include memory illusions, change blindness, and the Shifting Baselines Syndrome. Global change and the earth system. This body of research relies mainly on concepts and ideas developed in environmental anthropology and ethnoecology (e.g., Brosius 1999, Kottak 1999, Nazarea 1999), and focuses on the study of systems of local knowledge (hereafter LK) (Berkes 1999, Davis and Wagner 2003) and stresses the fact that, beyond psychological aspects, such systems also include theoretical, practical, and symbolic dimensions (Nadasdy 2007, Reo and Whyte 2012). 2013, Li et al. * Outstanding authorship and high quality editing * Comprehensive coverage with over 3,800 pages in 5 volumes * Over 500 articles, 100 biographies, 150 definitions and 100 acronyms * Extensive bibliographies with up-to-date references ABOUT . Memory illusions refer to exaggerations of the extent of trends, which may also have been caused by the influential memory of extreme events (Roediger 1996, Kahn 2002, Daw 2010). Turnhout E, Bloomfield B, Hulme M, Vogel J, Wynne B. Similarly, the encounter of seemingly contrasting worldviews can be used to create an ethical space (Poole 1972): a place between worldviews where the intentions of each are submitted for negotiation. The latest Tweets from Global Environmental Change (@GEC_Journal). Global environmental change addresses health impacts resulting from global and large-scale environmental hazards such as climate change and extreme weather events, changes in ecosystems due to loss of biodiversity, changes in hydrological systems and supplies of freshwater, urbanization, land-use change, and . The 2022 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) provides a data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world. Cameron 2012) who argue that current approaches used in GEC research are far too narrow to encompass the complexity they involve, as research must not simply identify who and what is vulnerable to environmental change, but also why. 2006). The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications. Further researchespecially from more interpretive rather than positivist disciplines (see Hulme 2011)could shed light on the multiple nonscientific ways in which people perceive and interpret change. Springer If we wish to inform and engage in the facilitation of adaptive processes to better mitigate and cope with GEC, then the different (including moral) causations held by local peoples may be critical in defining success. What we draw from these limitations is a call for more indepth, qualitative studies to better complement the more common inbreadth, quantitative ones, as discussed further below. Local perceptions are thus of direct relevance to any initiatives aiming for sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, or climate change adaptation and mitigation. 2010, Spence et al. While a handful of papers touched on cosmology, they did so merely by giving some examples of perceived causality (e.g., environmental changes linked to spirits or deities) and myths (Byg and Salick 2009, Marin 2010, Lauer and Aswani 2010, Cruickshank 2011). The journal interprets global environmental change to mean the outcome of processes that are manifest in localities, but with consequences at multiple spatial, temporal and socio-political scales. 2009, Howe et al. . 2012, Combest-Friedman et al. Voyer M, Gladstone W, Goodall H. Methods of social assessment in Marine Protected Area planning: Is public participation enough? Riedlinger D, Berkes F. Contributions of traditional knowledge to understanding climate change in the Canadian Arctic. 2010, Veland et al. In addition to scale and causation, equally important to local perceptions is cognition: the rates of temporal change in local perceptions (e.g., Deryungina 2012), perceptibility itself (e.g., Weber 2013), and the role that the reception of external scientific information may play in influencing local perceptions (e.g., Marin and Berkes 2012, Fernndez-Llamazares et al. The role of local institutions in adaptation to climate change. 21. Incorporating and better understanding local perceptions of GEC requires addressing the why? behind perceptions and explanations. Heuristics, biases and strategic decision making. For example, differences in perceptions of climate change across gender and age groups in Ethiopia have been found to affect local adaptation preferences (Deressa et al. Medicinal plants in the Atlantic forest (Brazil): knowledge, use and conservation. Prehistoric communities as agents of environmental change 5. Commencing with a chapter on the evidence for global warming presented by Sir John Houghton, the book then goes on to discuss the many problems associated with air pollution. In general, responses were locally driven (for the most part) or both locally and externally promoted, whereas those driven only by external institutions (NGOs, scientists, and government) were reported in only a handful of articles. Variables for which data was collected, with scales and categories of analysis. We present and elaborate on each of these three thematic strands. Our study is innovative in that it is the firstto our knowledgethat undertakes a comprehensive review of the existing research on local perceptions of GEC while using a critical perspective. Secondly, peoples perceptions may well determine their behavior toward mitigation and adaptation actions (Stern 2000, Vignola et al. Overall, we found the studies to be geographically biased, lacking methodological reporting, mostly theory based with little primary data, and lacking of indepth analysis of the psychological and ontological influences in perception and implications for adaptation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Firms Rank based on % of 2020 gross revenue reported from environmental services. The difficulties of translation between different epistemologies (Rudiak-Gould 2012), the ways in which different kinds of knowledge become authorized (Cruikshank 2011), and how such processes constitute power (Veland et al. Daw TM. Abstract. The study identified four components to which people refer when dealing with climatic events: (a) historical patterns, (b) signs (i.e., symbolic or religious dimension), (c) actual weather observations, and (d) regional media information (radio, news). Kottak CP. Agrawal A. Dismantling the divide between indigenous and scientific knowledge. As of 2021 the editor-in-chief is Eduardo Brondizio. Climate change is a direct threat to a child's ability to survive, grow, and thrive. The. [1] References [ edit] 2012, ISSC and UNESCO 2013). Accessibility Global Environmental Change. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Burton I, Huq S, Lim B, Pilifosova O, Schipper EL. The overall rank of Global Environmental Change is 544. by Delphine Deryng and Declan Conway. We then decided on a final template for the matrix (see Appendix 1), and set up a database in which to enter our data. In: Dobrin SI, Morey S, editors. Conservation policy: listen to the voices of experience. 10. This brings us to the complexity of GEC research: both scale and causality are hugely complex phenomena that scientific research continues to be challenged by. World social science report, changing global environments. Are we now living in the Anthropocene? The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. On June 4, the 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) will issue its 12th biennial ranking of 180 countries on how they are performing in terms of environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Just 7% of 596 cities ranked by CDP, an organisation that helps companies, towns and countries track their environmental impact, scored an 'A' for cutting emissions and setting clear strategy. Understanding the role that cognition plays in GEC perceptions is important for at least three main reasons. 2013). Two types of global environmental change: definitional and spatial scale issues in their human dimensions. 2002, Agrawal 2008, Thornton and Manasfi 2010) and risk perceptions (Tbara et al. It is used for the recognition of journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines in all kind of forms, be it print-media or electronic. Nicholls R. Research and indigenous participation: critical reflexive methods. Castree N, Adams WM, Barry J, Brockington D, Buscher B, Corbera E, Demeritt D, Duffy R, Felt U, Neves K, Newell P, et al. When designing protocols on what to ask and how, and what kind of knowledge to capture (such as experiential knowledge in relation to certain kinds of change), the value of questions that address the why behind local perceptions and explanations should not be underestimated. Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change. We discuss the implications of our findings for the broader research on GEC, and the repercussions these might have for planning local adaptation and mitigation strategies. Objective 1: To characterize responses of plant species, ecological communities, and ecosystem processes to warming and precipitation change, Dukes and colleagues will conduct field research that manipulates environmental conditions experienced by a plant community and record responses at a variety of scales. Zalasiewicz J, Smith A, Hounslow M, Williams M, Gale A, Powell J, Waters C, Barry TL, Bown PR, Brenchley P, Cantrill D, et al. The purpose is to have a forum in which general doubts about the processes of publication in the journal, experiences and other issues derived from the publication of papers are resolved. It is published by Elsevier Ltd.. Here, we report plant growth responses of an ecosystem exposed to factorial combinations of four expected global environmental changes. Global Environmental Change is cited by a total of 4365 articles during the last 3 years (Preceding 2021). Intensification strategies aimed at increasing the utilization of resources in a certain period and location were reported in about one-third of the articles. 2013), it may well be feasible. Already in the actual material reviewed, there are potential sources of bias derived from having included only journal articles in our sampleas opposed to books or book chaptersparticularly as the latter tend to be of a more ethnographic nature, which arguably is what accounts of LK entail. With regard to appropriate units of scale, and addressing the above-mentioned questions on possible intracommunity heterogeneity in the evaluation of a change, association of a change with a cause, and preferences for responses, future research would do well in considering a shift in the focus of unit of analysis. Comments linked to a specific journal decisions ( including on natural resource management ) based on % of 2020 revenue. And adaptation actions ( Stern 2000, Vignola et al, Norenzayan A. 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