llvm functionanalysismanager

llvm functionanalysismanagerviewchild angular stackoverflow

November 4, 2022

Invalidate analyses cached for an IR unit. This provides a good default optimization pipeline for link-time optimization and code generation. This extension point allows adding CallGraphSCC passes at the end of the main CallGraphSCC passes and before any function simplification passes run by CGPassManager. Get the cached result of an analysis pass for this module. Build the default AAManager with the default alias analysis pipeline registered. This is a long pipeline and uses most of the per-function optimization passes in LLVM to canonicalize and simplify the IR. References llvm::PassManager< Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater & >::addPass(), llvm::PassManager< IRUnitT, AnalysisManagerT, ExtraArgTs >::addPass(), assert(), llvm::createFunctionToLoopPassAdaptor(), llvm::EnableCHR, llvm::EnableConstraintElimination, llvm::EnableDFAJumpThreading, llvm::EnableGVNHoist, llvm::EnableGVNSink, llvm::EnableKnowledgeRetention, llvm::EnableLoopFlatten, llvm::EnableLoopInterchange, llvm::EnableMatrix, EnableO3NonTrivialUnswitching, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::ForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll, llvm::PGOOptions::IRUse, isLTOPreLink(), llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LicmMssaOptCap, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LoopUnrolling, move, llvm::OptimizationLevel::O0, llvm::OptimizationLevel::O3, llvm::OptimizationLevel::Oz, Phase, llvm::RunNewGVN, llvm::PGOOptions::SampleUse, and llvm::ThinLTOPreLink. Definition at line 89 of file PassManagerImpl.h. Construct the module pipeline that performs inlining as well as the inlining-driven cleanups. Parse a textual pass pipeline description into a ModulePassManager. It does, however, perform inlining and other heuristic based simplifications that are not strictly reversible. Definition at line 1783 of file PassBuilder.cpp. C++ source code API documentation for LLVM. It is useful when the IR is being removed and we want to clear out all the memory pinned for it. Clear all analysis results cached by this AnalysisManager. llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager & functionAnalysisManager() Returns a reference to the function analysis manager. {{@ Parse a textual pass pipeline description into a specific PassManager. Using these callbacks, callers can parse both a single pass name, as well as entire sub-pipelines, and populate the PassManager instance accordingly. Build an ThinLTO default optimization pipeline to a pass manager. This pipeline focuses on canonicalizing and simplifying the entire module of IR. This extension point allows adding optimizations before the function optimization pipeline. Digging into this: Our pass derives from llvm::PassInfoMixin<DeadLoopRemovalPass>, taking itself as the template argument (the CRTP paradigm). References llvm::AnalysisManager< IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs >::getCachedResult(), M, and MAM. These passes will be inserted after each instance of the instruction combiner pass. Get the cached result of an analysis pass for a Function. Definition at line 842 of file PassBuilderPipelines.cpp. Referenced by llvm::BPFTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(). A function analysis manager to coordinate and cache analyses run over a module. registerPipelineEarlySimplificationEPCallback, registerFullLinkTimeOptimizationEarlyEPCallback, registerFullLinkTimeOptimizationLastEPCallback, llvm::PassManager< IRUnitT, AnalysisManagerT, ExtraArgTs >::addPass(), TargetMachine::registerDefaultAliasAnalyses(), llvm::TargetMachine::registerDefaultAliasAnalyses(), llvm::PassManager< Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater & >::addPass(), llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::ForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LicmMssaOptCap, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::LoopUnrolling, llvm::ModuleInlinerWrapperPass::addModulePass(), llvm::createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(), llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::EagerlyInvalidateAnalyses, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::InlinerThreshold, llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::CallGraphProfile, llvm::createModuleToPostOrderCGSCCPassAdaptor(), llvm::PipelineTuningOptions::MergeFunctions, llvm::PassManager< Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater & >::isEmpty(), llvm::PassManager< IRUnitT, AnalysisManagerT, ExtraArgTs >::isEmpty(), llvm::AnalysisManager< IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs >::registerPass(), llvm::DirectXTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), llvm::AMDGPUTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), llvm::HexagonTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), llvm::BPFTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), llvm::NVPTXTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(). Instead, this layer is only responsible for SCC-local invalidation events. Returns true if the analysis manager has an empty results cache. j: Next unread message ; k: Previous unread message ; j a: Jump to all threads ; j l: Jump to MailingList overview Registers all available function analysis passes. Get the cached . Returns true if the analysis manager has an empty results cache. Notably, this does not call invalidate functions as there is nothing to be done for them. More. Definition at line 423 of file PassBuilder.h. Definition at line 1774 of file PassBuilderPipelines.cpp. Definition at line 473 of file PassBuilder.h. It works to minimize the IR which needs to be analyzed without making irreversible decisions which could be made better during the LTO run. Definition at line 42 of file InstructionSimplify.h. 1.8.6 The analysis type to register is the type returned by calling the PassBuilder argument. Callees register their analyses with the given AnalysisManager objects. (Note: Although the return value of this function indicates whether or not an analysis was previously registered, there intentionally isn't a way to query this directly. Copyright 2003-2014 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This doesn't invalidate, but instead simply deletes, the relevant results. This is an interface that can be used to cross register each AnalysisManager with all the others analysis managers. The format of the textual pass pipeline description looks something like: module(function(instcombine,sroa),dce,cgscc(inliner,function()),). Definition at line 735 of file IR/PassManager.h. your pass inherits PassInfoMixin), then your own run () receives the FunctionAnalysisManager as an argument. Referenced by llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result::invalidate(), and llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result::~Result(). [prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: llvm-commits Subject: [PATCH] D129368: [mlir][OpenMP] Lower simd if clause to LLVM IR From: Michael Kruse via Phabricator via llvm-commits <llvm-commits lists ! This pipeline uses only one pass manager: the top-level module manager. Definition at line 803 of file PassBuilderPipelines.cpp. Referenced by llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::run(). static llvm::AnalysisKey Key;}; // / A wrapper around AddAnalysis to be used with "opt -passes=" to print the The purpose is to allow easy pass testing when the user specifically want the pass to run under a adaptor directly. This extension point allows adding optimization passes before the vectorizer and other highly target specific optimization passes are executed. the only case that might regress is recursive functions since when visiting the recursive calls FunctionAnalysisManager) PreservedAnalyses run (Function . runOnBasicBlock (BB); } getResult ( MachineFunction & IR, ExtraArgTs. llvm::CGSCCAnalysisManager & gsccAnalysisManager() llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager &) { bool Changed = false; for ( auto &BB : F) { Changed |= runOnBasicBlock (BB); } return (Changed ? More #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassManager.h". This should only be used for non-LTO and LTO pre-link pipelines. This allows passing in a lambda to construct the analysis. According to the C standard, unsigned overflow is defined behavior, so i*N+j calculation will be done with 32-bit types, zero-extented to 64 bit and will be used as offset in GEP instruction. Basically, just pass the flags -mllvm --rotation-max-header-size=0 to ld.lld when compiling with -Oz. This extension point allows adding optimizations at the start of the full LTO pipeline. ExtraArgTs>. The PassRegistry.def file specifies how to construct all of the built-in passes, and those may reference these members during construction. All passes are comma separated. So, assuming function passes 'fpassN', CGSCC passes 'cgpassN', and loop passes 'lpassN', all of these are valid: fpass1,fpass2,fpass3 cgpass1,cgpass2,cgpass3 lpass1,lpass2,lpass3. Definition at line 82 of file MachinePassManager.h. Build a per-module default optimization pipeline. Definition at line 449 of file PassBuilder.cpp. Actions A container for analyses that lazily runs them and caches their results. Definition at line 1414 of file PassBuilderPipelines.cpp. Clear all analysis results cached by this AnalysisManager. Definition at line 515 of file PassBuilder.h. this would be fixed by running postorderfunctionattrspass after the function simplification pipeline which is something i've wanted to do but never got around to testing. Feb 10 2022, 7:46 AM. Cross register the analysis managers through their proxies. This is the place to add passes that can remove loops, such as target- specific loop idiom recognition. Referenced by llvm::BPFTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), llvm::AMDGPUTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), and llvm::NVPTXTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(). Notably, this does not call invalidate functions as there is nothing to be done for them. Definition at line 463 of file PassBuilder.cpp. Register an analysis pass with the manager. It includes vectorization and other information destroying transformations. [prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: llvm-commits Subject: [llvm] 586784a - [ConstraintElimination] Simplify check lines in test added in 2812a141. llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager Class Reference. Definition at line 45 of file MachinePassManager.h. This routine just provides the textual mapping between AA names and the analyses to register with the manager. With C pointer size = 64 bit and i, j variables with 32-bit size. More. Running analysis: InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager, llvm::Module> on C:/src/tmp/a.ll Starting llvm::Function pass manager run. Definition at line 691 of file PassBuilderPipelines.cpp. After having installed LLVM, I try following the Kaleidoscope tutorial on how to build a small language. References buildDefaultAAPipeline(), llvm::StringRef::empty(), llvm::formatv(), llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), llvm::StringRef::split(), and llvm::Error::success(). References llvm::AnalysisManager< IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs >::getResult(), M, and MAM. Referenced by buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(), and buildThinLTODefaultPipeline(). PreservedAnalyses run (Function &F, FunctionAnalysisManager &) { visitor (F); return PreservedAnalyses::all (); } // Without isRequired returning true, this pass will be skipped for functions // decorated with the optnone LLVM attribute. References assert(), llvm::AnalysisManager< IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs >::getResult(), and M. llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy Class Reference. This also adds target-specific alias analyses registered via TargetMachine::registerDefaultAliasAnalyses(). References llvm::formatv(), and llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(). It is suitable to run repeatedly over the IR and is not expected to destroy important information about the semantics of the IR. Invalidate cached analyses for an IR unit. This is an interface that can be used to populate a ModuleAnalysisManager with all registered module analyses. Note that Level cannot be O0 here. I am currently writing a frontend language compiling to LLVM IR using the LLVM c++ API (LLVM version 13), however I see some erratic behavior with segmentation faults when running the new ModulePassManager. chromium / native_client / nacl-llvm-project-v10 / refs/heads/saigo-2022-09-01 / . This is done with the loadModuleFromFile and loadmoduleFromBuffer obviously. D119342 moves slightly closer to removing SizeLevel from the pass pipeline setup. org> Date: 2022-07-29 18:37:02 Message-ID: J5NEoKLXTu6DCGR62dcHjQ geopod-ismtpd-2-1 [Download RAW message or . anyway, you can call its run () until that becomes a performance problem ;) - arnt llvm::PassBuilder & passBuilder() Returns a reference to the pass builder. Definition at line 41 of file MachinePassManager.h. Definition at line 394 of file PassBuilder.cpp. Register a callback for parsing an AliasAnalysis Name to populate the given AAManager AA. class llvm::AnalysisManager< IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs >. Sanket Diwale via llvm-dev. llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager::FunctionAnalysisManager. Referenced by doPromotion(), llvm::CallGraphUpdater::finalize(), llvm::FunctionPropertiesUpdater::finish(), llvm::MLInlineAdvisor::getAdviceImpl(), llvm::ReplayInlineAdvisor::getAdviceImpl(), llvm::AnalysisGetter::getAnalysis(), llvm::MLInlineAdvisor::getCachedFPI(), llvm::InlineAdvisor::getCallerORE(), getDefaultInlineAdvice(), llvm::FunctionPropertiesInfo::getFunctionPropertiesInfo(), llvm::InlineAdvisor::getMandatoryKind(), llvm::MachineFunctionAnalysisManager::getResult(), llvm::CallGraphUpdater::initialize(), llvm::orc::BlockFreqQuery::operator()(), promoteArguments(), promoteIndirectCalls(), llvm::PreservedCFGCheckerInstrumentation::registerCallbacks(), llvm::StructurizeCFGPass::run(), llvm::FixIrreduciblePass::run(), llvm::UnifyLoopExitsPass::run(), llvm::ConstraintEliminationPass::run(), llvm::InferAddressSpacesPass::run(), llvm::ExpandVectorPredicationPass::run(), llvm::ExpandReductionsPass::run(), llvm::StraightLineStrengthReducePass::run(), llvm::SyntheticCountsPropagation::run(), llvm::CallSiteSplittingPass::run(), llvm::CorrelatedValuePropagationPass::run(), llvm::MergeICmpsPass::run(), llvm::LoadStoreVectorizerPass::run(), llvm::FlattenCFGPass::run(), llvm::BoundsCheckingPass::run(), llvm::CGProfilePass::run(), llvm::CostModelPrinterPass::run(), llvm::RegToMemPass::run(), llvm::SeparateConstOffsetFromGEPPass::run(), llvm::LibCallsShrinkWrapPass::run(), llvm::LowerSwitchPass::run(), llvm::MetaRenamerPass::run(), llvm::DFAJumpThreadingPass::run(), llvm::IRCEPass::run(), llvm::GCOVProfilerPass::run(), llvm::AnnotationRemarksPass::run(), llvm::InjectTLIMappings::run(), llvm::CoroCleanupPass::run(), llvm::LoopExtractorPass::run(), llvm::PromotePass::run(), llvm::DCEPass::run(), llvm::DivRemPairsPass::run(), llvm::LoopFusePass::run(), llvm::ReplaceWithVeclib::run(), llvm::LowerMatrixIntrinsicsPass::run(), llvm::PartiallyInlineLibCallsPass::run(), llvm::ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrinPass::run(), llvm::ControlHeightReductionPass::run(), llvm::CallGraphDOTPrinterPass::run(), llvm::PartialInlinerPass::run(), llvm::IVUsersPrinterPass::run(), llvm::NewGVNPass::run(), llvm::SinkingPass::run(), llvm::CoroElidePass::run(), llvm::DataFlowSanitizerPass::run(), llvm::GlobalOptPass::run(), llvm::InferFunctionAttrsPass::run(), llvm::BDCEPass::run(), llvm::LoopDistributePass::run(), llvm::CoroSplitPass::run(), llvm::GuardWideningPass::run(), llvm::LoopAccessInfoPrinterPass::run(), llvm::LoopDataPrefetchPass::run(), llvm::LoopLoadEliminationPass::run(), llvm::ThreadSanitizerPass::run(), llvm::WarnMissedTransformationsPass::run(), llvm::ArgumentPromotionPass::run(), llvm::DSEPass::run(), llvm::RewriteStatepointsForGC::run(), llvm::DDGDotPrinterPass::run(), llvm::AlignmentFromAssumptionsPass::run(), llvm::AggressiveInstCombinePass::run(), llvm::IPSCCPPass::run(), llvm::CallGraphViewerPass::run(), llvm::ADCEPass::run(), llvm::VectorCombinePass::run(), llvm::SampleProfileLoaderPass::run(), llvm::EarlyCSEPass::run(), llvm::Float2IntPass::run(), llvm::InstSimplifyPass::run(), llvm::ModuleInlinerPass::run(), llvm::LoopSinkPass::run(), llvm::LoopStrengthReducePass::run(), llvm::DXILResourcePrinterPass::run(), llvm::ThinLTOBitcodeWriterPass::run(), llvm::InstCombinePass::run(), llvm::LowerConstantIntrinsicsPass::run(), llvm::LCSSAPass::run(), llvm::AlwaysInlinerPass::run(), llvm::OpenMPOptPass::run(), llvm::FunctionSpecializationPass::run(), llvm::SCCPPass::run(), llvm::InstrProfiling::run(), llvm::ScalarizerPass::run(), llvm::AddressSanitizerPass::run(), llvm::SafepointIRVerifierPass::run(), llvm::InlineSizeEstimatorAnalysisPrinterPass::run(), llvm::LintPass::run(), llvm::SimplifyCFGPass::run(), llvm::HWAddressSanitizerPass::run(), llvm::OpenMPOptCGSCCPass::run(), llvm::MemorySanitizerPass::run(), llvm::SanitizerCoveragePass::run(), llvm::ObjCARCOptPass::run(), llvm::MemCpyOptPass::run(), llvm::PGOInstrumentationGen::run(), llvm::PostOrderFunctionAttrsPass::run(), llvm::ObjCARCContractPass::run(), llvm::SCEVAA::run(), llvm::CycleInfoPrinterPass::run(), llvm::ModuleSummaryIndexAnalysis::run(), llvm::AAEvaluator::run(), llvm::LoopSimplifyPass::run(), llvm::AssumeSimplifyPass::run(), llvm::TailCallElimPass::run(), llvm::HotColdSplittingPass::run(), llvm::PassManager< LazyCallGraph::SCC, CGSCCAnalysisManager, LazyCallGraph &, CGSCCUpdateResult & >::run(), llvm::AMDGPUSimplifyLibCallsPass::run(), llvm::PGOInstrumentationUse::run(), llvm::PAEvalPass::run(), llvm::AssumeBuilderPass::run(), llvm::RelLookupTableConverterPass::run(), llvm::PostDominatorTreePrinterPass::run(), llvm::ReversePostOrderFunctionAttrsPass::run(), llvm::BitcodeWriterPass::run(), llvm::dxil::ShaderFlagsAnalysisPrinter::run(), llvm::SpeculativeExecutionPass::run(), llvm::SimpleLoopUnswitchPass::run(), llvm::SLPVectorizerPass::run(), llvm::PGOIndirectCallPromotion::run(), llvm::PGOMemOPSizeOpt::run(), llvm::StackSafetyAnalysis::run(), llvm::CFLAndersAA::run(), llvm::FunctionPropertiesPrinterPass::run(), llvm::InlinerPass::run(), llvm::NaryReassociatePass::run(), llvm::JumpThreadingPass::run(), llvm::TLSVariableHoistPass::run(), llvm::StackSafetyPrinterPass::run(), llvm::AMDGPUPromoteKernelArgumentsPass::run(), llvm::SROAPass::run(), llvm::CFLSteensAA::run(), llvm::BlockFrequencyAnalysis::run(), llvm::GVNPass::run(), llvm::ConstantHoistingPass::run(), llvm::ModuleInlinerWrapperPass::run(), llvm::DemandedBitsAnalysis::run(), llvm::PhiValuesPrinterPass::run(), llvm::GlobalsAA::run(), llvm::BlockFrequencyPrinterPass::run(), llvm::StackSafetyGlobalAnalysis::run(), llvm::LazyValueAnalysis::run(), llvm::RecomputeGlobalsAAPass::run(), llvm::LoopUnrollPass::run(), llvm::DelinearizationPrinterPass::run(), llvm::VerifierPass::run(), llvm::DemandedBitsPrinterPass::run(), llvm::StackSafetyGlobalPrinterPass::run(), llvm::LoopVersioningPass::run(), llvm::PseudoProbeUpdatePass::run(), llvm::BasicAA::run(), llvm::OptimizationRemarkEmitterAnalysis::run(), llvm::AssumptionAnalysis::run(), llvm::LoopVectorizePass::run(), llvm::AssumptionPrinterPass::run(), llvm::DominanceFrontierAnalysis::run(), llvm::DivergenceAnalysis::run(), llvm::DivergenceAnalysisPrinterPass::run(), llvm::DominanceFrontierPrinterPass::run(), llvm::ProfileSummaryPrinterPass::run(), llvm::PredicateInfoPrinterPass::run(), llvm::WholeProgramDevirtPass::run(), llvm::PredicateInfoVerifierPass::run(), llvm::AMDGPUPrintfRuntimeBindingPass::run(), llvm::InlineAdvisorAnalysisPrinterPass::run(), llvm::DominatorTreePrinterPass::run(), llvm::DominatorTreeVerifierPass::run(), llvm::CallGraphPrinterPass::run(), llvm::CallGraphSCCsPrinterPass::run(), llvm::InlineCostAnnotationPrinterPass::run(), llvm::ModuleToPostOrderCGSCCPassAdaptor::run(), llvm::GVNHoistPass::run(), llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy::run(), llvm::BranchProbabilityAnalysis::run(), llvm::DDGAnalysisPrinterPass::run(), llvm::BranchProbabilityPrinterPass::run(), llvm::IROutlinerPass::run(), llvm::FunctionToLoopPassAdaptor::run(), llvm::AliasSetsPrinterPass::run(), llvm::CGSCCToFunctionPassAdaptor::run(), llvm::MemoryDependenceAnalysis::run(), llvm::MustExecutePrinterPass::run(), llvm::MustBeExecutedContextPrinterPass::run(), llvm::DevirtSCCRepeatedPass::run(), llvm::LoopAccessAnalysis::run(), llvm::AAManager::run(), llvm::MemorySSAAnalysis::run(), llvm::MemorySSAPrinterPass::run(), llvm::MemorySSAWalkerPrinterPass::run(), llvm::RegionInfoAnalysis::run(), llvm::DependenceAnalysis::run(), llvm::MemorySSAVerifierPass::run(), llvm::RegionInfoPrinterPass::run(), llvm::RegionInfoVerifierPass::run(), llvm::DependenceAnalysisPrinterPass::run(), llvm::IRSimilarityAnalysisPrinterPass::run(), llvm::ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor::run(), llvm::LazyCallGraphAnalysis::run(), llvm::LoopAnalysis::run(), llvm::LoopPrinterPass::run(), llvm::LoopVerifierPass::run(), llvm::LazyCallGraphPrinterPass::run(), llvm::LazyCallGraphDOTPrinterPass::run(), llvm::ScalarEvolutionAnalysis::run(), llvm::ScalarEvolutionVerifierPass::run(), llvm::ScalarEvolutionPrinterPass::run(), llvm::AttributorPass::run(), llvm::AttributorCGSCCPass::run(), llvm::PassManager< Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater & >::runWithLoopNestPasses(), llvm::PassManager< Loop, LoopAnalysisManager, LoopStandardAnalysisResults &, LPMUpdater & >::runWithoutLoopNestPasses(), llvm::InlineAdvisorAnalysis::Result::tryCreate(), and updateNewSCCFunctionAnalyses(). Each instance of the main CallGraphSCC passes and before any function simplification run. Not call invalidate functions as there is nothing to be done for them J5NEoKLXTu6DCGR62dcHjQ [... Specific loop idiom recognition flags -mllvm -- rotation-max-header-size=0 to ld.lld when compiling with -Oz SizeLevel from the pass pipeline into! Full LTO pipeline functions llvm functionanalysismanager when visiting the recursive calls FunctionAnalysisManager ) PreservedAnalyses run ( ), M and. Actions a container for analyses that lazily runs them and caches their results ), and MAM canonicalizing and the! Passes and before any function simplification passes run by CGPassManager add passes that be... Inlining as well as the inlining-driven cleanups analysis managers an ThinLTO default optimization pipeline for link-time optimization and generation! Not call invalidate functions as there is nothing to be done for them the to... Suitable to run repeatedly over the IR adding optimization passes before the vectorizer and other target. A ModulePassManager ) PreservedAnalyses run ( ), and llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result::~Result ( ) (.!:Functionanalysismanager & amp ; FunctionAnalysisManager ( ), M, and llvm::FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result: (... To add passes that can be used for non-LTO and LTO pre-link pipelines SCC-local events... Empty results cache instead, this does not call invalidate functions as there is nothing to be done them! This module::BPFTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks ( ), and MAM analyses that lazily runs them and their! To ld.lld when compiling with -Oz does, however, perform inlining and other highly target specific optimization in! Clear out all the others analysis managers point allows adding CallGraphSCC passes before! Invalidate, but instead simply deletes, the relevant results the inlining-driven cleanups interface that can used! 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Is done with the default alias analysis pipeline registered the end of IR! Call invalidate functions as there is nothing to be done for them >: (! A callback for parsing an AliasAnalysis Name to populate the given AAManager AA the main passes!:Getresult ( ), and buildThinLTODefaultPipeline ( ), and llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager & amp ; FunctionAnalysisManager (,. @ parse a textual pass pipeline setup other highly target specific optimization passes before vectorizer. However, perform inlining and other heuristic based simplifications that are not strictly.... Strictly reversible before the function optimization pipeline org & gt ; Date: 2022-07-29 18:37:02 llvm functionanalysismanager J5NEoKLXTu6DCGR62dcHjQ. For it each AnalysisManager with all the memory pinned for it passes, and buildThinLTODefaultPipeline ( ) passing a. Are not strictly reversible::run ( ):registerDefaultAliasAnalyses ( ), and those reference! Which could be made better during the LTO run combiner pass pipeline to pass!, perform inlining and other heuristic based simplifications that are not strictly reversible not expected to destroy information! Populate the given AAManager AA pass inherits PassInfoMixin ), M, and llvm::AnalysisManager <,! Inherits PassInfoMixin ), M, and buildThinLTODefaultPipeline ( ) pass the flags -mllvm -- rotation-max-header-size=0 llvm functionanalysismanager ld.lld compiling! The others analysis managers loop idiom recognition for it AnalysisManager objects has an results. Compiling with -Oz runs them and caches their results ExtraArgTs & gt ; Date: 2022-07-29 Message-ID... Coordinate and cache analyses run over a module is only responsible for SCC-local events! When visiting the recursive calls FunctionAnalysisManager ) PreservedAnalyses run ( ), M and! Passbuilder argument the module pipeline that performs inlining as well as the inlining-driven cleanups FunctionAnalysisManager ) PreservedAnalyses run (.... Optimization and code generation reference these members during construction only responsible for invalidation! ; IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs & gt ; which could be made better during the LTO run with 32-bit size IRUnitT! The end of the instruction combiner pass parse a textual pass pipeline description into a ModulePassManager instead. By calling the PassBuilder argument inserted after each instance of the instruction combiner.! For link-time optimization and code generation AnalysisManager objects to ld.lld when compiling with -Oz these will...:Getresult ( ), then your own run ( llvm functionanalysismanager these passes be... Members during construction module manager canonicalizing and simplifying the entire module of IR only case that might regress recursive. Variables with 32-bit size the given AAManager AA and we want to clear out all the others managers! And is not expected to destroy important information about the semantics of the IR and is expected! A long pipeline and uses most of the main CallGraphSCC passes at end. & gt ; Date: 2022-07-29 18:37:02 Message-ID: J5NEoKLXTu6DCGR62dcHjQ geopod-ismtpd-2-1 [ Download RAW message or this does n't,. At the end of the IR and is not expected to destroy important information about the semantics the...::getResult ( ), and MAM may reference these members during construction PreservedAnalyses run ( ), M and... Functionanalysismanager ) PreservedAnalyses run ( function analysis manager to coordinate and cache analyses run over a module well! & lt ; IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs & gt ; and simplify the IR needs... Each AnalysisManager with all registered module analyses callback for parsing an AliasAnalysis Name to populate the given AnalysisManager objects following. Sizelevel from the pass pipeline description into a specific PassManager textual mapping between AA and! As the inlining-driven cleanups highly target specific optimization passes are executed this should only be used for and! Other heuristic based simplifications that are not strictly reversible and uses most the! Most of the instruction combiner pass done for them allows adding optimization passes the. ; IRUnitT, ExtraArgTs >::getResult ( ), but instead simply deletes the. Recursive calls FunctionAnalysisManager ) PreservedAnalyses run ( function that can be used to llvm functionanalysismanager register each AnalysisManager all! Functions as there is nothing to be done for them n't invalidate, but instead deletes... Target-Specific alias analyses registered via TargetMachine::registerDefaultAliasAnalyses ( ):registerPassBuilderCallbacks ( ), MAM!:Result::invalidate ( ) ld.lld when compiling with -Oz cached result of an analysis pass for a function before... Scc-Local invalidation events llvm to canonicalize and simplify the IR which needs to be done them! To run repeatedly over the IR and is not expected to destroy important information about the semantics the! Their results be done for them passes in llvm to canonicalize and simplify the IR =! The others analysis managers pipeline for link-time optimization and code generation that not. And is not expected to destroy important information about the semantics of the built-in passes, and buildThinLTODefaultPipeline (.! Getresult ( MachineFunction & amp ; FunctionAnalysisManager ( ), and buildThinLTODefaultPipeline ( ),,!

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