why should we protect endangered animals essay

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November 4, 2022

We can gain new information from past and present animals. However, humans are not famous for their ability in limiting themselves. A good example is the coqui elf which . One example is the common honeybee. While their main focus is the water, a lot of their work is conducted on dry land, as they fight for regional laws, fisherman bans, and strive to protect endangered species through methods like [], Endangerment is a bigger issue, one of them that include the animals as well as the atmosphere where they interact with each other and live. Furthermore, protection centers and services can educate and offer recreation sectors for people to familiarize with the endangered species and boost eco-tourism. If the balance tilts disasters follow. In it, for the first time in world history, the legislators of a great nation said that it would do everything in its power to prevent the extinction of any species within its border. In conclusion, thought human life is more valuable, the danger looming for at-risk animals is greater and validates compassionate effort. Some people say that protecting endangered species costs too much money from taxpayers wallets, and that species protection doesnt even benefit us humans, and I politely disagree with that. Above The Noise narrates more reasons why we should save endangered species. The conservation of land through national parks is another attempt to conserve species and their habitats. Concerning the issues, this paper will contribute several ideas to the argument in effort of providing basis for a stronger conclusion toward the argument. We'll not send People are a main part of animal extinction. When these are taken away tigers cannot survive. The number stated that since 1620, the planet have lost averagely 100 species every 100 years. When they die out, it can come to hit us years later with serious consequences. By killing them, we are losing their potential benefits, which somewhere in the future, might pose as a significant tool of our own survival.The third idea we like to propose is the point that as a human, we are given a rather dissimilar task compared to other species. Two of the many species on the endangered list that are affected by loss of habitat are the polar bears and the bees. Research has shown the reason for loss of habitat and why land is uninhabitable for some species. People should know that animals and plants are creature that have the right to live in peace. "Why should we Protect Endangered Species . Another advantage that is drawn from the conservation of endangered species is the maintaining of high biodiversity and environmental health (Chevalier and Fears np.). Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. Tigers like all animals need a reliable water and food supply. To solve or elevate this problem every aspect related to this need to be studied. High operation costs in protecting the endangered species and natural laws of selection are the main reasons that most opponents of protection of endangered species front. The Endangered Species Act is a bill that protects animals "threatened with worldwide extinction" and prohibits their importation without a permit. However, this does not mean that the . Well contact you as soon as possible. Its late spring, right about time for mating season. Human migrations are known to be the main cause of exotic species introduced to habitats. What can we so for animals?We can contribute to nature reserves and other wilderness areas. 1. . They argue that the funds used in the recovery of endangered species should be used to build social infrastructures such as roads and schools. You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. Continue developing why. The human population has tripled since the 1950s. Eco-tourism has the potential of growing into a self-sustaining industry whose revenues are used in the recovery of endangered species. Conclusion. 2021, Cleverrup.com. The Concerns Over the Rapid Loss of Endangered Species. Period. We must remind ourselves that there is no organism having the capability to live on their own, including humans. For the enjoyment of future generations. Although not considered as a different species of tiger, the obvious difference of color due to the domination of recessive gene attract poaches and collectors (White Tiger). Please note! As we all are aware of the fact that most of the species are already endangered so need of the hour is to conserve them and zoos provide the perfect habitat for them. With so much wildlife at risk, the question people often ask us is how do we decide which animals and plants to focus our conservation . Endangered Animals and PlantsOne of the stories of endangered animals is the story of Sumatra Tiger. Endangered animals need to be helped soon or they will become extinct. Endangered animals are animal species that are on the verge of extinction. help. Views. Scientists have unanimously agreed that for successfully conservation of wild animals, dependable estimates of [], Golf-N-Gos cars that are not able to go faster than 19 miles per hour are not subject to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regulations. Don't use plagiarized sources. An example of a endangered animal that was saved and has its population on the rise is the White Rhino. Dispose Of Waste Properly. Endangered species more important than we think. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. As a result of his research, there is now hope to restore the coral reefs because an overload of nitrogen is easier to fix than changing the global temperature. Very organized ,I enjoyed and Loved every bit of our professional interaction . Essay, Must be made in response to an offer like in R v Clarke and correspond with the offer. Library essay pte Suny geneseo essay question Fbi essay, essay on my painting, history argumentative essay example. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, . If one species dies, it can possibly destroy an entire food chain. Home Essay Samples Environment Environment Problems Endangered Species Reasons Why We Should Protect Endangered Species. Develop why those threats are a human responsibility. So what we can do to help the endangered animals in the world. Some died of natural changes, like mastodons and dinosaurs, but others are wiped out due to the interference of man, like the dodo and passenger pigeon. The Effect of Organisms ExtinctionThere are no organisms living by themselves. The conservation and restoration of endangered species helps ensure that humans maintain a healthy environment too. The federal government brought in the Endangered Species Act and banned the use of the pesticide DDT. Table of Contents. Scientists estimated that we're losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the normal rate daily. Except for natural disasters, natural environmental shifts usually come slowly and pose no danger to living organism. Some of our website features may not function as a result. For Recreation. Why is it so important for us to protect species? How to Protect Endangered Animals Essay Help! Benefits of protecting species may not be immediately evident. Every animal has a place in the ecosystem in the food chain to keep life in balance. New discoveries stated that a disappearing plant could wipe out 30 other species including other plants, animals and insects. The lake was given rights with the Lake Erie Bill of Rights to ensure that whomever pollutes it can be sued. Yes, our economy, you heard me right. Save Endangered Species Essay. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. Natural habitats of animals are destroyed for land and agriculture. Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-essay-why-should-we-protect-endangered-species/. While there are many factors leading to the decline of animals and places for them to live, research is being done and efforts are being made today to ensure the safety of endangered species and their habitats. The coral reef is not dying because of climate change as he originally thought, but from too much nitrogen as a result of poorly treated sewage and topsoil. Being able to bring environmental awareness, could help protect the ecosystem and help restore the . Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Now, I know that not everyone agrees with me. Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. The conservation of endangered species, on the other hand, will not only help the ecosystem, but will also improve human life quality. The question people are asking is should we do more to save and defend animals, well I believe 2. It is part of a natural selection that if species no longer have the capability to adapt to the changes of its environment, the species will be extinct. They mainly focus on renewable energy, wildlife conservation, safeguarding clean air and water, and preserving and restoring natural places. Featured Example Essay Controversial Aspects of Decommissioning the Edwards Dam In 1991 the Edwards Manufacturing Company, owner of the Edwards Dam on the Kennebec River in Augusta, ME, applied to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a renewal of their license to operate a privately owned hydroelectric dam. and Researches have calculated about 3,879 different types on animal's that are critically endangered. When a species becomes endangered, it's a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. Totally, there are over 1000 known animals declared endangered. A high number of biological species in the various habitats is vital because these organisms can be used as indicators of threats to human life such as the case where Bald eagles became endangered and shed light on the dangerous effects of DDT on human health. Imagining a world without many of the normal or regular species in it is hard to do. Gradesfixer, The Reasons Why Endangered Species Should Be Protected., The Reasons Why Endangered Species Should Be Protected [Internet]. We are hunting animals for fur meat leather jewellery etc. We Need The Endangered Species As They Need Us And Loss of Numerous Species and Alarming Need for De-Extinction, Big Data in the Conservation of Endangered Sharks, National Parks of Canada: Banff and Cape Breton Highlands, The Impact of Globalization on Climate Change: Facts and Research. Penicillin, which was found from a dirty fungus, was the hard evidence that even the most insignificant species could posses the hidden benefit highly valuable for mankind. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Of these two main factors in the endangerment of species, the destruction, or pollution, of the animals native habitat is most commonly occuring because of humans. . This plan is the most optimal because it allows for operations in a centralized location and easy tracking of the recovery levels of the endangered species. Thesis and dissertation guidelines best american essays 2019 notables list animals endangered we should essay Why protect electoral college essay intro, bharat ek mahan desh hai essay in hindi what it means to discuss in an essay narrative essay on life changing experience how to reference poems in an essay . Let's fix your grades together! The animals are so few that they could disappear from the globe if serious action is not taken. Protecting endangered species would help raise environmental awareness to protect and bring order. Although, this idea quickly disappear after the introduction of gasoline in the internal combustible engines. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. People argued that relating to the theory of evolution, it is the way of the world where the fittest grows and the weak replaced. As you can see, we should protect endangered species which include not only animals but also plants and vegetation. One last effort to save habitats and species is through the Endangered Species Act. Prevent Soil Erosion. Apart from cultural advantages, protection of endangered species is vital for scientific value. According to Eric Bolen, the Audubon Societys main focus since 1905 has been to preserve and restore natural habitats. If a species died, than its secret of chemical benefit would died with it. Species that go extinct now are no longer around for us or future . People argued that extinction comes naturally. This is surely more than enough to show that endangered species need to be protected. Social capital research papers. ConclusionWhy must we spend our dollars and cents on wild life preservations? Similar story are about the white tiger. Almost 70 % of the nation's freshwater mussel species and more than half of the crayfish populations are considered endangered ("Why Should").Worldwide, 58% of the world's reefs and 34 % of all fish species are considered to be endangered. 2022 gradesfixer.com. To maintain a healthy ecological balance on this earth all living creatures should be treated as important as humans . Zoos are a place to learn about animals from all over the world. It should be remembered that the present species extinctions are mostly not caused by natural phenomena; they are caused by our activities. Despite the estimation, scientist stated that they have not had the full description of the connections affected in case of extinction yet.V. Totally, there are over 1000 known animals declared endangered. These protected lands provide habitat to many endangered species. To start off, many many animals are dying and even more are extinct. Also protecting endangered species can help with biodiversity which we can benefit from. Did you know that if just a single species dies out, it can potentially affect other species as well? Conservation of Forest, Coral Reef, Endangered Species. Photo essay topics like houseflies, 2012 protect the environment. Get your custom essay on. Home Essay Samples Environment Endangered Species The Reasons Why Endangered Species Should Be Protected. Another thing leading to the loss of species and habitats is pollution. Endangered animals need to be protected by us to live; they are part of the world. While helping humans is just as important, we need to realize that were not the only ones on this planet, and its our duty to protect life on it. In Teachers We Trust (2021) presents a compelling vision, offering practical ideas for educators and school leaders wishing to develop teacher-powered education systems.It reveals why teachers in Finland hold high status and shows what the . Endangered species are critical to our ecosystem. Non-living parts of nature were also saved by giving it protection. We get a lot of pleasure out of seeing and interacting with animals. The United States was the first nation to set aside land for a national park in 1872 which inspired other nations to do the same. Why must we protect and save animals? If the changes are slow and at a gradual pace, species living inside the environment would not be disturbed. The society originally began to stop the slaughter of birds for the creation of hats. If plants and animals extinction are considered a natural phenomena, then why must we spend billions of dollars and cents on helping endangered species? Plants and animals are living based on this natural code. Natural selection in the ecosystem or the negative effects of human activity may lead to extinction. Did you know that certain medicines come from plants? Let our experts handle it. Chevalier, Ally, and Niki Fears. 1 Ways to Protect Animals. This process decreases forest land and hurts the animals who depend on it. Please contact support to report the content, If you want to copy the content, please, Subscribe or Log in into your account. For Their Medicinal Values. We have the ability to define what is good or bad, wrong or right, a merit that possessed only by the humans and no other. Your time is important. Roughly thirty years later in 1900, the United States became the first nation to pass a national conservation law. The Endangered Species Act is very important because it saves our native fish plants and other wildlife from going extinct. Also, humans are cutting plants in a . Why should we protect animals give two reasons? We should always try to find the ways on how to protect endangered animals as we need to preserve this biodiversity for our future generations to see and learn about. A good example is the endangered Pacific yew which is essential in cancer research (Chevalier and Fears np.). In addition, tens of millions of people depend either directly or indirectly on fishing for their livelihood. By continuing well assume youre on board with our cookie policy, Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Keystone Species and the Importance of Raising Endangered Species Awareness, The Preservation of Endangered Species Essay Example, The Issue of the Illegal Poaching of Elephants, an Endangered Animal Species, in Zambia and the Animal-Human Conflict, The Declaration of Pandas as Animals Removed from the Endangered Species List, The Importance of the Conservation of Endangered Species, A Speech on the Importance of Not Removing Wolves from the Endangered Species List, The Characteristics of the Aye-Aye, an Endangered Species, ASK writer for We should make more of an effort to prevent habitat destruction, poaching, and illegal trading of endangered and threatened species. Turnitin is wide range of fish, 2016 endangered species essay on earth, the endangered . Ecosystems are groups of plants and animals that are found in the same area and interact with each other. Why should we help endangered animals? This is a problem that we need to address, and here are a few reasons why. Reasons Why We Should Protect Endangered Species., Reasons Why We Should Protect Endangered Species [Internet]. Earth has a unique place for animals in the food chain. WritingBros. The extinction of what are about feb 27, size and resumes at lansing. But if the changes are quick and sudden, some species might be unable to adapt quick enough to survive the new condition. The conservation of endangered species, and restoring balance to the world's ecosystems, is vital for humans, too. Normally, you'd be out calling for a mate, hoping that you can find one. Fertilizer can runoff into ponds or bodies of water and cause a decrease of fish able to live within it. Beekeepers in 24 American states report that up to 70 percent of their colonies have recently died off, threatening $14 billion in U.S. agriculture. (Wagner) The honeybee provides us with products such as honey and beeswax, and is a major pollinator of plants! Support An Organization That Fights To Save Endangered Species. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Privacy Policy The term "fauna" is not only for wild animals but also for all non-domesticated life forms including birds, insects, plants, fungi and even microscopic organisms. Do animals in zoos get . People say protecting endangered animals is a waste of money, time, and has no benefits for us but here is why we should protect endangered species. There have been many challenges in preserving natural habitats, but the new research is being used to save habitats for endangered species. Youre the last of your kind, and your search for a mate has been in vain. The natural habitats of animals and plants are being destroyed for land development and farming by humans. They live in isolated mountain territories among trees of which they spend most of their time in. Need help with your homework? 1. Humans are the only living organisms having enough brain capacity to form what we refer to as values. And it becomes clear that conserving other land animals and aquatic animals and all endangered plants of the whole world would cost much more than we can imagine. Why should we save endangered tigers? We cannot continue to drive animals and plants into extinction without gradually affecting ourselves. Imagine you are an animal. The facilities established also offer specialized treatment for the animals on their road to recovery from imminent extinction. The ideas will then based on the elaboration and concluded in the final chapter of the paper.II. Reduce reuse and recycle! First, various endangered species form a significant part of the cultural and artistic heritage. A good example is the coqui elf which is the symbol of Puerto Rico (Martinelli and Fajardo) These small frogs are fascinating because they do not lay their eggs in water and they do not go through the tadpole stage of life. Maintain A Healthy Backyard Habitat. While it is true that the effort of species conservation does cost lots of money, but with all the contributions and impacts that animals have on the environment, it is necessary and worth it to protect them. In Michigan, efforts are being made to preserve habitats for bats according to Sandy Hausman. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. The red panda is found in Central China, Nepal, Burma, and other places in the surrounding area. Verified. The longer we neglect animals, the greater the chances of extinction. Our goal is to help students excel in academic writing and successfully graduate. Climate change is the single most Important issue that we face today. We have been successful in making laws that would protect endangered species. Get an expert to write you the one you need! For Preserving Rich Bio-Diversity. From estimation that only 500 left on the island, 50 are killed by poaches each year (Sumatra). How can we save animals essay? Yet many animals are in the danger of disappearing from the earth. One of the strongest arguments for saving endangered animals is simply that we want to. Why you should strive to save animals. If there is no other reason, this reason alone should be enough for us to realize that we have the natural responsibility to act as controller and perhaps even the stabilizer of this nature. How can students help endangered animals? And we also need to buy environmentally friendly goods. Where do you want us to send this sample? If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Why Should We Protect Endangered Animals Essay - In Teacher s We Trust: The Finnish Way to World-Class S ch ools by Pasi Sahlberg and Timothy D. Walker. We try to save endangered species, 2016 endangered species program. I will let you continue having other relationships and I will continue believing your lies. Type in your email and receive this essay in a second, Well be glad to send this essay to your email, though, Reasons Why We Should Protect Endangered Species, Depiction of Nonhuman Charisma and Other Species on TV. How to Save Endangered Species. The number of endangered plants is . The expansion of agriculture is one thing that aids in the loss of species and habitats. This essay has been submitted by a student. 189.5k + views. Now, they sponsor science programs doing research on birds and other animals to collect data on declining species. Posted: May 9, 2022. Im sure that you never knew that species loss can also affect our economy. Perhaps there are other species out there that hold new developments for medicine, like a cure for the common cold, cancer, or AIDS. With nowhere to hide, the others were eaten by predators. Terms of Use, By clicking Send Essay, you agree to our We are hunting animals for fur meat leather jewellery etc. This essay has been submitted by a student. Except theyre all gone. Finish with a strong statement. Don't use plagiarized sources. Another example is the problem of overfishing. Now, you may be asking, Well, why would I care about plants and animals dying off? Despite being the most powerful organism in the planet, humans are still part of nature. You've been wandering the wastelands, which used to be a lush green forest, what used to be your home. Or go to out Live Chat, and let us know of the issues you faced with the presented content. 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