sociological foundation of curriculum pdf

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November 4, 2022

The research is at least 8 years old and so can provide a good grounding in the overview of the topic but does not keep up with the newest research. While there is a Table of Contents (with some unfortunate numbering errors), there is no index or glossary. The author has struck the important balance between accessibility and using the appropriate amount of jargon (while providing more than adequate context). The topics are easy to follow in the sequence they are in. It looks to be very easy to teach in whatever order the instructor would like to cover and leave out chapters that they do not want to cover. Unlike some social problems textbooks, this one is not organized using larger, general sections that set off one general type of social issue (e.g., matters of inequality, problems in social institutions) from others. Introduction to Sociology 2e adheres to the scope and sequence of a typical, one-semester introductory sociology course. [18] However, Greg Bahnsen points out that such a system would only be possible if the culture at large were a Christian culture, and that the force of government could not be used to impose Christianity on a culture that did not want it. have rapidly developed in the last 5-10 years and I feel the author could provide a nice synopsis of these changes. I am aware that it can be challenging to address every social problem, as the text indicates there may be a need for society to The overall book is very long and could not reasonably be used for a single term; however, the smaller sections with the key takeaways are interesting and useful. It provides mostly recent data, backed by historical information. There are a number of sub-sections throughout each chapter that can be read separately in order to learn something very specific. The chapter structure of the book makes sense. Social Problems: Continuity and Change provides complete coverage of the main categories of problems in society today: poverty, gender, race/ethnicity, etc. The text covers a comprehensive look at social problems and provides an examination of discipline specific material as well as statistical information on how each social problem is currently experienced throughout the world. Since this class is usually geared toward early stage undergraduates, I think it needs more specificity in the writing. Areas most in need of updating are Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality, Chapter 7: Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Chapter 13: Health and Health Care. The topic of guns and gun control is absent. The content is mainly accurate (although some of the statistics are outdated), and the text is generally error-free and unbiased. The overall text is well organized with major overview topics first, followed by important identity concerns, and then necessary investigations into social institutions. The chapters dissect the content through the lens of the major sociological theories. The section on Mortality and Death rates on page 600 is woefully inadequate. The layout and structure seemed well thought out and the sections and sub sections were clear and followed each other well. The sociological concepts are also explained using existing research. I also appreciated that the book encouraged students to strive for social justice and not lose hope that they can contribute to the amelioration or resolution of these social problems. The end of section summary and reflection/discussion questions are helpful for the reader to remember the main points of the chapter. Any use of quotes or phrases directly from or representing a source were presented properly. The information is presented in a manner appropriate for some high school classes in addition to the post secondary level. None of the display features appear to be distracting or confusing. While the content covered in each of the chapters provides plenty for the instructor to discuss, this textbook also still has room for the instructor to bring in more contemporary issues or aspects of social problems not covered in the textbook. Reviewed by David McLeod, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma on 1/12/15, Attempting to comprehensively cover all aspects of social problems, with the extensiveness of marginalization, diversity, and oppression that exists in modern American society, is a daunting task. The textbook follows the standard practice of providing an initial understanding of Social Problems in general, and the theoretical perspectives employed to explain them, and goes on to examine in some detail a variety of social processes within which problems are identified and discussed. For example throughout the text various social problems are examined using the same theoretical perspectives. I was very impressed with the ease of accessing the book as well as the option for viewing online or downloading a pdf. The "Theory Snapshot" provides a nice uniformity throughout the chapters. For example, the Chapter #2 Poverty slides are missing, or I couldnt find them. The text is clear in the purpose-to educate about Social Problems and capacity for change. Each chapter is consistent in layout and writing style. As such, the breadth of the text is impressive as many significant areas relating to social problems are discussed. The section on public attitudes about sexual orientation is all about the Bible - not a very diverse perspective. read more. This is important in effectively engaging students. Most major news sources have follow GLAAD's request to not use these terms ( The book covers all the traditional content chapters of a traditional textbook. The section on types of racism I would supplement with current material as we've seen a rise in old-fashioned racism (hate crimes) over the past year. Students should be able to predict the flow and structure of each of the chapters. I give this section a 5 because it is very difficult to stay up-to-date in a Sociology text. The language used and writing style is very well managed in a way that presents the material clearly and concisely, while keeping readers attention. One knows what to expect as they navigate each chapter. I would be mindful of noting certain terminology and changing as our standards of inclusive language changes (one is not Transgendered as this is not a choice). The wording under the charts and images can be a little larger. Also, the generalizations lead to lack of context for some of the jargon. Minor issues included that images, charts, and tables were disjointed and made it difficult to follow. The prose is very accessible---exactly what I would expect a college student to be able to read without struggling and comprehend without confusion. Because the author so thoroughly covers the landscape of social problems, this text is an excellent resource even if not adopted in entirety. For example, in the chapter on Families, the author cites research by Bradford Wilcox without including a critical lens on this political biases. Theoretical frameworks are identified and elaborated at the start, and throughout the textbook, these frameworks are employed to present varied explanations of why the social problems exist, and what can be done about them. This is done with objectivity and an emphasis on having a clear and comprehensive understanding of the issue, and without taking any obvious political or ideological point of view. The book appears to to do a great job on covering material that can distress both individuals and the communities they are a part of. Social Problems: Continuity and Change is a realistic but motivating look at the many issues that are facing our society today. The navigation is smooth from the TOC to each chapter. Like other aspects of the book, this feature helps counter doom and gloom feelings that little can be done about social problems. There is some research-basis for the text - but there seems to be significant personal opinion as well. The text does make the correlates of inequality to social problems clear, however. While some of the statistics are out-of-date, with sufficient time, it would not be too difficult in updating much of this data. I do not think the text is insensitive. The challenge is the length of the book and the challenges of scrolling to easily locate or review previously read content. What I particularly like is how each chapter is framed with sociological theory. The text is clearly written and organized. Moses' Law for Modern Government. This textbook is a thorough description of what social problems are, with detailed illustration of specific social problems. Many of the issues discussed include various theoretical frameworks for understanding the why and how aspects. I also like how the Learning Objectives - No glossary; however, key terms and concepts are highlighted within the text. There is a strong discussion of the sociological imagination in chapter one (which I love). The advances of Medical Marijuana should also be addressed in a future edition. Reviewed by Marc Wagoner, Associate Professor, Worcester State University on 6/30/20, The book appears to to do a great job on covering material that can distress both individuals and the communities they are a part of. Students will see many examples in this box of how ordinary people can indeed make a difference. I am more likely to use this book as individual chapters for course-relevant supplementary material than to create a course around it. Reviewed by Kelley (Katherine) Blanck, Instructor, Michigan State University on 11/15/19, The book appears to be comprehensive, as it is 796 pages, thoroughly indexed and outlined for ease in following the progression of the content. That being said, this book is very relevant as it puts events in history in context. (Winter 1979), "MG Kline on Theonomic Politics: An Evaluation of His Reply", Journal of Christian Reconstruction. I believe that students will appreciate the ease of read while also gaining important foundational information. However it couldn't hurt to have more images of people of color, namely Asians, Native Peoples, and Latinos. For example, one could use the chapters on gender inequality and the changing family of this text in a women's studies course, while a criminal justice course might use the chapters covering crime and substance abuse instead. I feel the Learning Objectives are not only easy to comprehend but they are also malleable. I can see readily dividing this text into smaller reading sections and / or reorganizing or skipping sections to accommodate a specific course schedule. The content is accurate and up-to-date with current sociological perspectives and includes contemporary examples, which help make it more relevant to undergraduates. The three major perspectives are covered adequately in this textbook. ISBN978-0830824519. I think overall the book hits the mark on overall relevance and longevity. Learning Tools for Students: Professor Meredith Kline, whose own theology has influenced the method of several reconstructionist theologians, has adamantly maintained that reconstructionism makes the mistake of failing to understand the special prophetic role of biblical Israel, including the laws and sanctions, calling it "a delusive and grotesque perversion of the teachings of scripture. I wish there were more current events for relatability. Chapters are laid out to include similar elements (my favorite of which is the applying social research). Some information about recent changes in social policies and government leadership that can be crucial to contemporary understanding of social problems also needs to be included. That Each chapter, then, is divided into sections and subsections that provide certain types of information/analysis. This text takes a very matter-of-fact tone with the reader and uses research and historical context to help understand issues like race, gender, and sexuality. The framing of the various problems, presentation of their key components and discussion of their different impact on specific demographic groups works well. read more. Chosen social problems are relevant and can be applied to a variety of fields. The chapters are all set up similarly. I might suggest including these features in the next revision of this text. It may fit nicely as a subunit in the Racial/Ethnic Inequality. Introduction to Research in the Classroom PDF. No errors were noticed and the text is reasonably unbiased in its review of US/American society. I came in to this review a skeptic. That said, the order of topics in this book is very similar to the order of topics in several other social problems text books. I found the writing to be very clear and approachable. For instructors who wish to supplement with additional visual materials, or have students use factual material as a basis for further individual study, this text provides an ideal introduction to these topics. Reviewed by Kimberly Fox, Associate Professor, Bridgewater State University on 6/29/20, The book covers all of the topics that I would like to have in a Social Problems text and is clearly and comprehensively organized. It would be helpful if the table of contents was in the same file as the textbook. Each topic is addressed in detail and the boxes in each chapter (Applying Social Research, Lessons from Other Nations etc) make the coverage even more detailed. Nothing struck the reviewer as culturally insensitive, and the textbook very much read as many introductory and social problems textbooks do. Each chapter offers the Theoretical Perspective as well as a nice summary in the End of Chapter material. The content is all relevant. read more. Similarly, it does not include other research that challenges some of those claims. This is not easily accomplished across such a broad range of topics, but is nicely done here and is central in the first few chapters, setting a stage of perspective for the rest of the book. I have not noticed any grammatical errors in the textbook. The display at large made it feel very much like a textbook on the screen. This keeps the class firmly grounded in sociology. Also in the race/ethnicity chapter (3.1), I think it is possible to discuss lynching without including a photograph of a lynched man. I think the book reads well and serves well. The topics in this book are organized clearly and logically. Historical facts are presented void of emotion. This is not bench science where generalizable truth is easier to quantify. The textbook is organized in the typical fashion as other social problems textbooks (with a notable exception being Joel Best's Social Problems). It has a user-friendly and engaging chapter/section format that includes several types of pedagogical features and text blocks for application of social problems in the news, in relation to youth, with respect to change, various activities and scenarios, as well as succinctly summarized objectives, takeaways, and review. While navigating I did not notice any problems/distortions. It is a good blend of history and social policy with both a micro and a macro viewpoint. Like I mentioned before, I don't like listing only a few countries as having sex trafficking as a major problem. Reviewed by Victoria Blanchard, Instructional Faculty, Virginia Tech on 2/8/17, The range of topics covered by the text is appropriate, and the concepts covered within the subjects are, overall, appropriate for an introduction to social problems. Including cultural property, and comparative approaches throughout would add to its cultural relevance. There were no glaring grammatical errors or problems with usage, sentence structure, or punctuation that got in the way of the readability of the textbook. While they contain helpful information, the charts used could be more visually sophisticated. Most students have a great deal of sensitivity to these issues, many because of personal experience. The book uses consistent terminology and framework throughout. I did not notice any problems with grammar. One of the strengths of this text is the manner in which it provides examples that can connect the reader, students, to the issues in a way that matters to them. The text is very inclusive of a variety of culture and subculture influences. Chapter ordering is ideal for social problems, as many problems are framed in the context of class, race and gender. The same can also be said of the terms race and ethnicity as well. I read information is presented in a balanced way so that points and counterpoints are represented. However, instructors who are familiar with the subject could easily frame the topics in this way in the syllabus. The text covers a comprehensive look at social problems and provides an examination of discipline specific material as well as statistical information on how each social problem is currently experienced throughout the world. Inside the chapters, content layout is highly logical and clear. I like the overall organization of topics in the book. A clear strength of the textbook is in its modularity. read more. The text does a wonderful job of bringing in a vast array of social problems and related them to real world events. Given the inclusion of current events and obvious attempt at intersectionality, this seems culturally relevant and easily graces the reader with the ability to see this. Each chapter had a similar structure with the same end of chapter materials. The reader can easily spot the title page, content and learning objectives for each chapter. In 3.3 many issues are addressed but I do not see the words anti-racist or Anti-Semitism. There is no real logic to presenting topics in a social problems book. The textbook contains relevant data that shows general trends over the past few decades, as well as some historical data. The social problems herein are examined in the same manner in each chapter, which allows the book to flow well. The book is unbiased and accurate with attention to detail, statistics and examples. One of the strengths of this text is the manner in which it provides examples that can connect the reader, students, to the issues in a way that matters to them. While not explicitly indicated, chapters are grouped more or less by theme: inequalities, deviance and behavior, institutions, and social change. Copy link Link copied. [citation needed] Reconstructionists also say that the theonomic government is not an oligarchy or monarchy of man communicating with God, but rather, a national recognition of existing laws. This textbook does a great job of covering a wide range of topics that are appropriate for a social problems. A glossary or subject index would be a useful addition. This textbook is very comprehensive and covers topics that I traditionally cover in my class and more. The presentation of global comparisons is especially helpful. It begins with defining social problems and even how we define social problems. A thoughtfully developed, well written textbook that is accessible to undergraduate students of social problems. The text is certainly consistent and does not deviate from providing clear objectives, key takeaways and review items. Michael Rady (he/him) is a queer educator, organizer, and reader. It is up-to-date. The topics are organized well and presented in a clear, logical progression of content. All the sociological terms are clearly explained and highlighted in the textbook which helps the reader pay attention to the content that is most important. flour, lb An Introduction to Mathematical Finance SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshop May 30, 2006 2 An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics For example a credit union may pay 6% annually on savings accounts define basic terms in the areas of business calculus and financial. I generally like the chapter organization but find that odd. At times, there are many areas that appear to be personal reflection and inference rather than statement of fact. The Key Takeways and The book is certainly relevant to the needs of higher education today. The expected social problems are covered, but chapters on the media, technology, and/or science would have been welcomed. I highly recommend this text. Page 224: heading for title, blank below, table that follows goes for over a page, but is very narrow. Additionally, the layout of each chapter is well organized and provides a wide range of topics and examples. I do think that a social problems book is an important one to have as an open text and hope that it will be updated in the future. The chapters are very consistent in their presentations. Thats why libraries turn to Ebook Central for their ebook needs. Both assertions in the statement marijuana is generally not physiologically addictive, (and) it does not reduce ambition and motivation (p. 323) have been shown through research to be untrue. The book is up-to-date in terms of content and ideas. Christian reconstructionism is a fundamentalist Calvinist theonomic movement. The text is consistent. Basically, it has what you'd generally expect to be covered Very well organized and logical. Great for introductory level students. I feel the all the relevant topics to today's world are covered. I like the order in which the chapters are presented in Social Problems, although I do contemplate covering race and ethnicity before poverty simply because the correlates of poverty to race and ethnicity are so powerful. I also love the drop-down index that makes it incredibly easy to jump to chapters and sections of chapters as well as the term search box. That is a good feature. In particular I appreciate the first chapters that clearly lay out the definition and evolution of a social problem along with theoretical perspectives on social problems. [13][14] For example, the enforcement of moral sanctions under theonomy is carried out by the family and church government, and sanctions for moral offenses are outside the authority of civil government (which is limited to criminal matters, courts and national defense). Ebook Central brings content from virtually every publisher into one unified experience so students and faculty can quickly learn the platform and easily discover and use the ebook content they need. The issues with gender and sexuality terminology that I mentioned in item 2 are a big concern for me, however. Christian reconstructionists[who?] Each chapter was not so long that it would overwhelm a student and topics could be broken up over multiple class periods. I believe this book can be read and understood by a diverse audience. Beginning with an introduction to the concept of social problems, the book presents various social problems experienced by society throughout the chapters. Social Problems: Continuity and Change certainly does not minimize the persistence of social problems, but neither does it overlook the possibilities for change offered by social research and by the activities of everyday citizens working to make a difference. read more. From what I can tell, sex trafficking gets one brief mention in chapter 4 These conversations are not easy ones to have, and I would suggest anyone using the book to take the time to develop skills to handle some of the interpersonal challenges of dialogue and strong values/beliefs that may emerge from these conversations. Any complex terms or theories are adequately explained. It has sections - key takeaways, review, what you can do that will be engaging for undergraduate students. Often well-intended people get involved with issues that they are out-group members of and sometimes the impact is more harmful than helpful. The book is written in such a way that you could easily select a single chapter, or a section of a chapter, individually as a reading assignment. I feel the all the relevant topics to today's world are covered. As I stated before, the organization of this text is well done. There were no major interface issues. I could imagine using sections of this book in several courses in our undergraduate program (including families in poverty, family, school and community collaboration, critical thinking, and health disparities). She enjoyed the material but wondered about its relevance to her everyday life and future plans (the idea that one day she would be teaching such a class Rather, the captions below them repeated what had been shared within the text. Is clear in the sequence they are out-group members of and sometimes the is. Certainly consistent and does not include other research that challenges some of the sociological... Updating much of this data that appear to be significant personal opinion as as! To create a course around it relating to social problems more visually sophisticated approaches throughout would add to cultural! And gun control is absent make the correlates of inequality to social problems book to Sociology 2e to! 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