spiritual life and physical life

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November 4, 2022

According to Genesis 2:17, God told Adam that, if he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would "surely die." Some skeptics have tried to . As Paul succinctly put it, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,which isyour spiritual service. Get up 20 minutes earlier than your regular time in the morning. But Matthew 7:7 also extends to the concept of being able to see and participate in the spiritual world that exists behind our own trials. There are many concepts that describe aspects of being able to live in the physical world and, at the same time, being able to interact in the spiritual world. The one is spiritual; the other is natural. The outer shell of this multi-level structure is our physical body, geared to life on Earth. In any case, our human lives are much more complicated than modern science can imagine especially when considering not only our very ancient heritage, but our multidimensional nature as spiritual beings enjoying a brief physical experience here on Earth. If we lose our physical life, for his sake, means not committing sin, we save our spiritual life. 2222 z - life (physical and spiritual). 10 Books for Every Life Coach. Jesus wants us to keep his commandments. 4:7b-8). Rather than focusing entirely on our physical diet, health and exercise, we need to emphasize the spiritual direction of our lives. This probably happened some 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) years ago, not long after this material universe was formed some 13.7 billion years ago. Spiritual life means a life in which you focus on the soul rather than the body. Spiritual strength can help you overcome hardships. If our walk with Christ can change how we experience trials, several reasonable questions may come to mind. Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit is the third journey of the Equipped Disciples Curriculum from Athletes in Action. In his 1st letter to the Corinthians Paul was telling the Corinthians to get themselves back on track in living as God would have them to live. This leads to the actual point, which I wanted to share. Onward, then, to another ethereal realm inhabited by angels and light beings. What happens when our sinful desires go unchecked? Thanks! Because of Enochs ethereal connection, his family was blessed for several generations. Over time, most of the debris from the explosion settled into Edens orbit, forming the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. As I mentioned earlier, all physical things have astral bodies, including planets. How do we "open" the door? When people who are spiritually dead truly hear the voice of Jesus Christ, their lives are changed. 11 Afterlife Wrap-Up The difference between life in the physical world and life in the spiritual world is that the environment in the spiritual world corresponds to the inner nature of the person and not to that which can be created through external resources, as is possible in the physical world. . If anyone viewing the site finds materials here that should not be shared freely, please contact me so that I can remove them. In some cases, it could mean our existence, our everything. exercise can have positive effects intellectually, morally, etc., and makes for a joyful, spiritual life. Obviously, to hear the gospel is more than hearing its soundit suggests listening, attentiveness eagerness. Mahavatar Babaji is one such ageless ascended master who inhabits the Northern Himalayan caves near Badrinath Temple in northern India. 5:28-29). In the previous section, Handling Life's Inner Struggles, we saw that going from unprepared to equipped to handle struggles, it is important to know what the source of our struggles are, and then what the solution is. you say, "Here I am." 4. When we struggle with this we lack a strong sense of inner peace. These passages do not teach that physical, bodily considerations are unimportant, or that they should be neglected. I asked the Atlantic Humpback Whales for a communication for the collective for the upcoming year. So whether you run or lift weights or play a team sport or just go for a healthy walk each day . Matthew 10:32-33 So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.. ), Other posts in the Human Story series: Answer (1 of 6): No, you have to maintain a very good balance between Spritual and material life. Our lives can be meaningful and rewarding, holy and acceptable to God, only when we keep the spiritual components uppermost in our minds. In my prior spiritual training I had learned that we were supposed to be going up, ascending, lifting up, away from physical density. Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. It is our choice to live for the flesh or for the Spirit, and we are free to choose. #4. (John 7:37-39). Life in the New Testament, beginning with Jesus, predominantly has a metaphysical and spiritual meaning, an indestructible quality, which supersedes physical death and the grave. (We have to bear in mind, though, that time is one of many illusions of the material universe, and Ill include an article later on in this series about those illusions.). It will help you receive the peace of Christ during trials. All the complexities of the material world slowly start fading away once the focus in life becomes to appease the Supreme Lord instead of appeasing the fellow human beings. This indicates we are still facing a spiritual battle. All life ( 2222 /z ), throughout the universe, is derived - i.e. For as the Father raises the dead and giveth them life, even so the Son also giveth life to whom he will, (John 5:21). The Lord intimately shares His gift of life with people, creating each in His image which gives all the capacity to know His eternal life. Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit. Associating inner disturbances (what we feel) to external situations is not always what spiritual battles are about. Download Selection. (LogOut/ Plato had learned about the ancient gods indirectly from the Greek statesman Solon, who had learned about them from the Egyptians, who in turn had inherited their knowledge from earlier civilizations. And it is in this truth that we find the key to balancing the intellectual and the spiritual life. Introduction: Pursuing Lifes Purpose Amid the Drama This doesn't mean that we will necessarily be able to avoid the consequences which might arise as a result of our choice independent of Jesus. Lead me guide me every day. That doesn't mean that we living as the "new" when we act in sin. 6:23; Alma 15:17; D&C 24:1). Marvel not at this: for the hour cometh in which all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of judgment, (Jn. "Order my steps in your word, dear Lord. These are prerequisites to meaningful living. This kind of mind set happens because of disappointment in worldly . 6 The Afterlife Eden 3. Verse Concepts. He is a prolific writer having published countless works for Lifeline Publications, and has spoken in numerous Gospel Meetings, Seminars, and Workshops. Answers to some objections. A well-balanced and healthy life requires exerciseboth physical and spiritual. Life on Eden was probably a lot like life in the astral paradise worlds. The temptation comes, what are we choosing to do? Your email address will not be published. I want to walk worthy, my calling to fulfill. We often knock on certain kinds of "doors" in order to try to feel better, to deal with stress, or even to forget our problems (trials). Notice that the second word in this verse is "if." Implement these three tips to build a strong foundation for physical clarity: Exercise - When you exercise, you literally "wake up" your body. Its impervious to aging and disease, and it heals quickly if injured. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Be a river, not a swamp. The two great commands that the Lord gives us illustrate the spiritual and natural very well. Since we now live by the Spirit, what should characterize our relationship with the Spirit? Whether you start a meditation routine, take time for spiritual prayer, start a gratitude journal, or simply spend a few minutes in silence while you have your morning cup of coffee, self . Doing so causes us to think that having a sense of the peace of Christ is related to what goes on outside us. Seeking: Following the Path. 16 End of Story, End of Times. The hour cometh, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live, (John 5:25). How do we act? How would you explain the difference between being in-dwelt by the Spirit and being empowered by the Spirit? MM This is represented in of God's Keys to understanding life: The Spiritual War. In this sentence, Jesus talks about loyalty, and sometimes we face situations, where people may ask if we follow Jesus or not. To choose life is to follow him on a path that leads to freedom and eternal life. When Adam and Eve made bad choices, such as eating forbidden fruit and having sex, they were driven from paradise and replaced there by angels and a flaming sword to perpetuate the tree of life.. She communicated that she is in physical reality-newly born or about to be born-and . Learn about the whole five collection series and how the parts fit together. How do we handle this? So were motivated not just by thoughts of good will and trust, but also by suspicion and fear to help us survive amid the dangers around us. This is a very interesting verse, which made me think a lot. Let's say you establish a spiritual connection with someone special but you guys have not met in like a decade or so. Do we need to say more? Sri Yukteswar was, in turn, the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, who also discussed Mahavatar Babaji in his own book (one of my all-time favorites), Autobiography of a Yogi. Jesus tells us, if we try to save our physical life in the wrong way, we will lose our spiritual life. This is because the Father sees us through the sacrifice of Christ. Though Adam was still physically alive (but beginning the dying process), he became spiritually dead, separated from relationship with God. According to Galatians 5:22-23, what would be the result? So, the concept of "knocking" is often described as the process by which a person enters into a personal relationship with God. It means we did not discern the "door" through which the Lord wanted us to pass. Instead, we are conducting ourselves as if we are of the flesh, which we no longer are. 3:3-4). How do we knock on "the door" such that it might open? The only Edenites who survived the explosion were the colonists on Earth. For some older adults at the end of life, the body weakens while the mind stays clear. And exercise thyself unto godliness: for bodily exercise is profitable for a little; but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life which now is, and of that which is to come, (1 Tim. "The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.". Chinese Proverb. Ethereal. However, this journey of living a spiritual life comes with its own set Continue reading The Real Key to Balance Material and Spiritual Lives John 3:5, Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.". It influences on which "doors we knock" in a trial. With a massive following of over 1.6 million on Instagram and . Bear in mind that the early Hebrews were a swarthy lot, so a fair-haired, light-skinned baby with glowing eyes would have been startling and out of place. This is represented in of God's Keys to understanding life: The Spiritual War. 4 The Edenites and Their Descendants Other descendants of the original Edenites were in charge of other regions. Do we choose to make the corrupt deal and take the win, or do we choose to stay correct and maybe collect less? Most of the details of our ancient history were lost during long dark ages when people were preoccupied by survival, Plato said. 3. Spiritual growth is the work of a lifetime - a lone good deed or random prayer will not be enough to sustain a rewarding spiritual life. First stop was an Ethereal world of angels and light beings. Many believers assume this Bible verse (and others like it) refers strictly to a salvation experience. But in a spiritual sense in trials, each of us does kind of. The suffering experienced in the Nether region is generally far more than that in the Earth region (Bhlok) as there is not much freewill.In the Nether region, 10% of the subtle bodies are guided by subtle bodies from higher regions such as Heaven and Maharlok.These subtle bodies are those of seekers with yearning for spiritual growth. I am sure, Jesus meant these situations too. How Spiritual Coaching Books Help a Coach. The parallel of that, new physical life, is fascinating as well as illuminating. 201.30 KB. The spiritual realm is much lighter than the physical one, and the laws of physics that we believe are true everywhere do not apply. Spiritual life begins with hearing the gospel and believing in Jesus Christ. Spirituality and religion can be seen as his self-defense mechanism that keeps Pi from going mad. You can improve it with small practices and paying attention to your spiritual needs. It is important to be able to recognize the two sides of the spiritual war whenever they are manifest in physical world events, i.e., in our trials. part 4: physical life vs spiritual life. While there are many types of coaches making differences in the world, spiritual coaches represent a unique group of individuals called to help people work on a level deeper than their physical reality, from the laws of the universe to the essence of who . In going from unprepared to equipped to handle struggles, the first two points covered here were tocompare our storiesandconsider our struggles. 5 The Seven Ethereals Jesus' message also speaks to how important it is to be able to discern spiritual dynamics that affect us as they unfold and occur in the midst of real world situations and external circumstances. Site Development By Grey Wolf Productions. Honestly, my body felt like the obstacle to spiritual life. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.. The Spiritual Root of Physical Life. It doesn't mean that we do not or will not sin. In this way, metaphysics shares similar goals with other noble studies such as general spirituality, theology, philosophy, mysticism, theosophy, and ontology. The existence of the person minus the physical body is known as the subtle body (linga-dha) and it comprises of the mental, causal (intellect) and supracausal (subtle ego) bodies.In the afterlife, this subtle body then goes to one of the 13 subtle planes of existence other . Similarly, Peter shows how women must not be carried away with the temptation to overly emphasize their own clothing and jewelry, but to keep the focus on the spiritual aspects of their life: Whoseadorninglet it not be the outward adorning of braiding the hair, and of wearing jewels of gold, or of putting on apparel; butlet it bethe hidden man of the heart, in the incorruptibleapparelof a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price, (1 Pet. Spiritual health should be a priority in your life. Physical Life. Your email address will not be published. How do we hear His voice? For sure it is not easy to admit being a follower of Jesus, knowing it might cost your life. Between our central body and physical body theres a morphing process in which our spiritual bodies become less god-like and more human. There are two sides to the spiritual world: God's side; Satan's side. When I received Christ and He entered my life, I became spiritually alive and was given the gift of the Holy Spirit promised to every true believer. Again, practically speaking, IF we do NOT act in Christ, then in that trial, the old wasn't passed, and we did not live the new self we actually have in Christ during that trial. Our spiritual eyes discern the flesh at work in us. But I want to get into another point, which is not as obvious as the first, but in my opinion very important too. Physical survival is possible only if it is sustained by faith, the example of a shipwreck . The Spiritual Life is an interfaith web-based community that celebrates (honors) the many paths to God. 2. Especially in our time, so much fake and lies everywhere. Hormones, ego, and the physical brain help us to react appropriately in this unpredictable world. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. To have a relationship with the Spirit is to be in harmony with the energy that is in and around us. The Biblical book of Genesis tells the story of God planting a garden in the east ofEden where people lived among the most beautiful foliage imaginable. What is the door? One way of spiritually "knocking" is in how we act or don't act in a trial. May God help us in everything. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. The Bible says: "Rivers of living water will flow from the heart of those who believe in me" (John 7:38, margin).*. Going within is the key to returning to the place of "no time" where all the answers lie. The superhuman stewards of Eden lived in peace with each other and with the other living things in that paradise world. Providing support for practical tasks. That great-grandson was named Noah, and when he grew up he built the proverbial Ark to survive the Great Flood when his grandfather Methusaleh died. Today I want to share some of my thoughts and write about one of a few perspectives. Success, popularity, and power can indeed present a great temptation, but their seductive quality often comes from the way they are . We all have different approaches to spiritual teachings. Study consciousness, religion, or philosophy. Here's some music courtesy of Hilton L. Johnson from his Sonshine album. Sometimes we lack the peace of Christ during situations involving others. Regardless, we believe we found "the door" (the action God is calling us to). If there are some trials where it is hard to figure outwhat God is saying to you, then you have room to grow in discernment. The work of these two fully-illumined mastersone with the (physical) body, and one without itis to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism.. While mental and physical health are important, when spiritual health takes precedence, you may find the others following suit. The person who seeks to accept God while denying his son Jesus Christ, is seeking something which does not exist. You don't say, "Here we are!" When a person dies the physical body ceases to exist. It comes to the point where we must speak, how are we going to do? Here are 21 practical suggestions for building a stronger spiritual life. Copyright 1985-2020, Lifeline Publications, All Rights Reserved. Our Solar System After Edens Destruction (courtesy of Learning By Grace). Yogananda writes, The Mahavatar Babaji is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. It makes sense, then, that many astral humans live on those astral planets, just as we physical humans live on Earth. Do we stick to the truth or are we going to try to safe our life? Physical Life and Spiritual Life. Connecting Physical Struggles to Spiritual Needs. When physical life begins is debated by many these days, but Christians believe that, according to the Bible, biological or physical life begins at conception (Psalm 139:13-16).To sustain physical life requires air, sleep, food, water, clothing, and shelter. For this reason, in 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul expresses the concept that if we are living for the Lord in a given situation, then we are being the new self in Christ. 9 The Afterlife of Sir Richard F Burton Life no longer kills life to survive, so paradise is a world of trust and good will. I think, there is a lot to think about all these things too. A young baby humpback came in to give her perspective and wisdom, full of optimism, joy, and a great, benevolent love. And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, (Rom. His passion is preaching the gospel and is honored to serve as Pulpit Minister for the Central Church of Christ in Martinsburg, WV. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you see a cookies pop-up below, you can disregard it. In Hebrews 11, the prophet Enoch was visited by angels (very tall men with faces that shone like the sun, eyes that glowed like lamps, wings of gold, and hands white as snow), and they took him on a tour of the spirit worlds. It has three suns, which are really higher beings shining light onto their world. Both "you" and your soul are having this human experience, but they are not one and the same. But the consequences are very clear and can not be skipped. We are so stuck in physicality, and our logical minds cannot grasp such a concept. 2.2 Life before birth in the Nether world. Satan knows, he might not win us if he comes along with obvious stuff, so he uses all his tricks. When these things are the attitudes and perspectives we have, those very attitudes and perspectives are obstacles to hearing the Spirit of God and His counsel to us personally. Their bodies didnt age, and they healed quickly from injury. And to believe the gospel is more than mere mental agreement. If you need help learning how to balance your spiritual life and your physical life. I think this is clear enough. Seeing: Merging with the Path. Enoch recorded the information as accurately as he could in a series of books and was told to give the books to no one, but to share the information with anyone who wanted itto spread it as far and wide as possible. Here's some music courtesy of Hilton L. Johnson from his Sonshine album. He works to improve our spiritual vision and spiritual hearing. However, the rest of the existence or consciousness continues. It may involve religious traditions centered on belief in a higher power . Job 33:4. But quickly, on the heels of this command, we are instructed to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. There are two sides to the spiritual world: God's side; Satan's side. Our physical eyes look out and away from us. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. They begin to see things from a different perspectiveto experience spiritual life. We do have tendencies towards the "fleshly self." Its geared for life in a paradise world in which humans live in peace with each other and with animals and other living beings and so trust and good will are a way of life for astral beings living in astral worlds. Jesus also addresses eternal life, the life to which we as Christians look forward after this earthly existence. Discerning how the Lord seeks to transform us and submitting to that is foundational to experiencing His peace during a trial. (LogOut/ . Spiritual Life - Physical Life The Feast of Tabernacles fills us with anticipation of new spiritual life. I needed your opinion on spiritual life and physical life, whether one should keep these both lives separate or as one with close ones. This implies faithfully obeying and complying with its terms. A significant piece of our part in a relationship with God is being able to recognize which side is doing what within us during our trials. We are instructed to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind. The end of our earthly life is not the end of our lives, for there is a resurrection, an afterlife following this. When did human beings come about and why? Can physical fitness affect the spiritual life? 7. Was Noah an albino? We are dedicated to teaching and expressing a positive and practical approach to life. As a result, we shall not only become better Muslims but also become better human beings. You need to remind yourself, day in and day out, of your spiritual purpose. In any case, Eden was a (roughly) Saturn-size planet that came into existence in our solar system long, long ago. The Edenite castaways lived on Earth for several billion years, probably up to the last ice age, which began some 360,000,000 (360 million years) ago. Rather, we understand and . Then to another dense spiritual world inhabited by godless, remorseful beings called Grigori (perhaps what we today would call reptilian extraterrestrials) who had lost their connection to God, and finally to a highly refined ethereal world of archangels who were so majestic that they frightened Enoch. If someone calls out to you from another room in your house saying, "Where are you?" We are also "fearfully and wonderfully made," Psalm 139:14 states. Which way do we choose? What would my life be like then? The Greek philosopher Plato wrote that very early on, the Edenite descendants (whom he called gods) divided the inhabitable Earth among themselves as stewards of various districts, providing wise, gentle guidance to the lesser humans. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. The future exists only in our imaginations. 1. They were busy colonizing other nearby worlds, including Earth, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, when disaster struck. Others remain physically strong while cognitive function declines. 13 Thoth the Atlantean The life forms didnt have to eat each other to survive, but instead received sustenance from the life energies flowing through their world. Every physical thing has spiritual bodies that trace inward to a central self. GO BACK TO THE BE EMPOWERED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT COLLECTION. The process of this journey helped him to learn more about the nature of existence and analyze his life based on the gained knowledge. That would be crazy. Seeing the spiritual in the midst of the physical involves responding to the Holy Spirit. Astral. When we value our comfort more than most of the thing. Remember, it is the mountain stream that carries fresh, life-giving water because it flows out. 2. In 1 John 4:2-3, he wrote, "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. Everyday life is a kind of swirling chaos, and the ego is entrenched in its demands. 10 The Afterlife of Anne de Guign Fighting the spiritual war within us involves being aware of how our inner disturbances are associated to our own internal, spiritual situations. Ancient Gnostic Christians were a large and influential branch of the early Church who believed that the physical world was a lower, less perfect creation than the high, pure spiritual world. Read more about him on our bio's page - there'sa link to his inspirational music on iTunes too! Coaching with Meaning and Spirituality (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge) 1st Edition. It strives to answer questions about the meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, truths about the universe, and other mysteries of human existence. The physical body seems the most real to our conscious mind but its really the most illusory. A thousand years later, Jesus found Himself tempted in this very same wilderness. 15 Hands that Caress and Strangle the World If a rock or a tree or a building or an entire planet is destroyed in this physical universe, its astral template continues to exist, complete with an ethereal body and central body. They probably were not locked into the physical domain as we are today; they could move back and forth among dimensions living as astral beings for awhile, maybe even as formless ethereal beings before returning to Eden in physical form to resume stewardship of that beautiful world. In Christian theology, the body is carnal, fleshly, fallen, sensual, decaying, and doomed to the grave. The Exodus took Israel through a long period of profound physical penance and spiritual purification: the two seem to be inseparable in the spiritual life. 1. Order my steps in your word. "Over the years, I have come to realize that the greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity, or power, but self-rejection. In other words, be being spiritually, socially and physically stable, we can lead life successfully . Dr. Steven Southwick's book, Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges, describes how some people overcome traumasuch as abduction, war, and imprisonmentby seeking comfort in spirituality or religion.He gives examples where spiritual people find ways to "meet the challenge and continue with purposeful lives . Commands that the second word in this verse is `` if. the truth or are going. Inner peace in a spiritual sense in trials, several reasonable questions may come to mind ceases exist! And Venus, when spiritual health should be neglected responding to the spiritual War spiritual needs more about on. Fill in your house saying, `` here we are still facing spiritual... Your own understanding the dying process ), he might not win us if he comes along obvious! Disturbances ( what we feel ) to external situations is not always what spiritual battles are about how we! We act in a trial ) to external situations is not the of. 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