steel co2 emissions per tonne

steel co2 emissions per tonnerest api response headers

November 4, 2022

border: none; 1.85 metric tons The average amount of CO2 emitted by producing 1 metric ton of steel 50,000 wind turbines (2019). Han, H., Duan, D., Yuan, P., & Li, D. (2015)., Friedmann, J., Fan, Z., & Tang, K. (2019). Physical properties: Physical properties (such as mechanical strength, etc.) background-color: #3488ca; EAF steel production operates in batch mode instead of continuous like a BF-BOF plant. The zero-carbon hydrogen production methods have different costs, which affect DRI plant economics. A core challenge in the energy transition and deep decarbonization is the growing demand for primary energy services. You can convert metric tons to short tons by multiplying the number of metric tons by 1.10231. Blast furnace basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) dominates production (71%) and is particularly stubborn to any decarbonization technology. For example, the 25% DRI growth-substitution case requires 450 TWh of zero-carbon electricity additional annual generation to supply the new DRI-EAF systems roughly the same as all France (table 12). Table FE4. Give that EU steel producers will also face the phaseout of free carbon permits just as the new tax comes into force, the sector's domestic carbon costs will start rising sharply in 2026. Technological progress supported by high fossil fuel prices supported momentum for near zero steel production and particularly direct reduction of hydrogen (H2 DRI). We examine technical options in terms of cost, viability, readiness, and ability to scale. Higher electricity energy contribution: Considering electricity carbon emission share of the total emission, global growth to 25% DRI-EAF through BF-BOF replacement (medium DRI penetration) would increase this fraction from 13.5% to 19.1% and increase to 50% displacement (High DRI penetration) would grow this fraction to 28%. In 2033, China's steel industry will achieve 200.97 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions with an average . visibility: visible; The reducing gas used for DRI production is syngas, produced from either coal gasification or SMR. float: right; Pure H2 injection into the BF by tuyeres through its raceway at the bottom of the BF, replacing 120 kg/t pulverized coal with 27.5 kg/t heated H2 injection. Raw material inputs to the BF base model are shown in table 6. margin-top: 8px; This paper examines near-term options to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in steel production and seeks to identify and explain near-term pathways to reduce GHG emissions of hot metal (HM). Biomass feedstocks are never truly carbon neutral. 3 On average, you emit one ton of CO 2 for about every 2,500 miles you driveabout the distance from Boston, Massachusetts to Salt Lake City, Utah. } .page-node-2034 #main-content, .page-node-2122 #main-content { Steel is deeply engrained in our society. Its carbon footprint is therefore chiefly determined by electricity sources. Finding 1: Multiple approaches exist today to decarbonize existing iron & steel production. Using zero-carbon electricity as a strategy, deep decarbonization of steel production must involve replacing BF-BOF with DRI-EAF or adding additional pathways. Some emissions, such as those from ethanol plants, are purer than others and can be captured relatively cheaply, for around $25 to $30 a ton. (2020). } However, the estimated global storage capacity is between 10-20 trillion tons, suggesting ample capacity for CO2 emissions from steel production. In practice, land-use changes (LUC) and full life-cycle analysis (LCA) reveal that the carbon footprint can vary dramatically and is rarely carbon negative [(Campbell et al., 2018)]. This is chiefly due to the growing demand of energy and of products that require energy for their production. To increase beyond this small fraction, deeper levels of electrification are required. The CO 2 emission intensity of the steel plant is calculated by the net CO 2 emission from the plant using the boundaries divided by the amount of crude steel production of the plant. Stainless steels properties, such as its 100 % recyclability, reusability, durability, low maintenance and product safety partly explain this amazing consumption growth (click herefor more information on production statistics). The techno-economic comparison shows that capital cost and energy cost dominate the CO2 avoidance cost (over 80%), making the cost per ton CO2 sensitive to both fuel prices and interest rates. Industry CCS Workshop. CO2 emissions (kg per 2017 PPP $ of GDP) CO2 emissions (kt) CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use) CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total) border-right: 3px solid #FFFFFF; Lower carbon intensity: Even with no improvement in baseline electricity carbon intensity, DRI-EAF would reduce 8% carbon emission if it grows to 25% of global steel production through replacement of BF-BOF. Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories. In part, this reflects the ability of carbon capture to manage and eliminate the by-product process chemical remissions from iron ore refining as well as emissions from high-temperature heat. Calculations are based on MIDREX's actual plant data at Cleveland-cliffs [(Chevrier, 2018)]. (2020). } CO2 capture in industries and distributed energy systems: Possibilities and limitations. Oxygen blast and CCS retrofit is the prerequisite to recycle the top-gas and therefore subjected to additional capital cost. Water vapor can be easily separated from BF exhaust gas (unlike N2 and CO). Substituting with fly ash or steel slag - by-products of coal power and steel making plants - could potentially reduce clinker content to 50%. #views-exposed-form-resource-library2-page #edit-field-author-name-value-wrapper { Since the same zero-carbon electricity source is assumed for all production pathways, the carbon abatement costs ($/ton-CO2) are the same. Including those factors would increase the cost and carbon footprint estimates, similar to the BF-BOF case above. Understanding these tradeoffs requires additional analysis, e.g., coupled system modeling or levelized cost of carbon abatement (LCCA) analysis. width: 100%; top: 0; } } Data and Statistics, CO2 emissions by sector. These factors lead to multiple options being pursued in the Indian steelmaking context. The durability of stainless steel restricts the availability of scrap., Chevrier, V. (2018). The CO2 emissions range from 205 to 240 kg CO2 per tonne liquid steel. Blue H2 and green H2 different by roughly a hundred $/ton-DRI in production cost (HM) but by 1000 $/ton-CO2 in marginal CO2 abatement cost. [(Wiklund et al., 2013)] have evaluated the injection of a biomass-based reducing agent into the BF, chiefly as charcoal produced from wood (bio-charcoal). Unfortunately, ideal biomass does not exist, and the LCA cases indicates that nearly half of the potential carbon mitigation is negated by charcoal productions carbon footprint. Orth, A., Anastasijevic, N., & Eichberger, H. (2007). height: 35px; If operated until the end of their typical lifetime under current conditions, these and other assets in the steel industry could lead to around 65GtCO2 of cumulative emissions. All details can be found in the report here. Carbon footprint assumptions has different boundaries since they are borrowed from different literatures. Oxygen Blast Furnace (OBF), is less carbon intensive for its inherent ability to capture and disposal of the CO2 of the BF top gas, which implies additional cost as $56/to-CO2 [(Wilcox, 2020)]. (2020). if interested. margin-bottom: 3em; Technical Notes. } Global assessment of biomass suitability for ironmaking Opportunities for co-location of sustainable biomass, iron and steel production and supportive policies. Its lighter weight shaved 700 pounds off the F-150, improving fuel efficiency, and reducing tailpipe emissions. Bain, P., & Wilcox, J. As the dominant technology for primary steelmaking, BF-BOF route produced 71% of global crude steel production, over 1279 million tons in 2018 [(Worldsteel Association, 2019]]. An integrated BF-BOF production plant also include process plants for coking, pelletizing, sinter, finishing, and associated power production. As the most important electrification opportunity in the steelmaking industry, EAF production is intrinsically low-carbon compared with the integrated BF-BOF route and is easiest to modify. } Develop supporting infrastructure for near-zero emission technologies. Worldsteel Association. Depending on the type, location and availability of stainless steel scrap, production via the EAF route can be economically advantageous. If zero-carbon electricity supply operates the system, the integrated process reduction should abate ~57% CO2 emission. Mitsubishi Heavy to build biggest zero-carbon steel plant. High-resolution assessment of global technical and economic hydropower potential. This papers blue H2 LCA result does not include upstream methane emission to keep consistency with literatures LCA estimation of blue H2. For H2 carbon footprint, LCA result is borrowed if its from water electrolysis, include the carbon footprint of electricity. .view-distinguished-visiting-fellows .view-content .views-row img These include: To hasten the development and deployment of decarbonization options, nations should adopt these measures and others. Carbon footprint assumptions (selected within range of reference), Values (kg CO2-eq/kg-fuel or other specified), Electrolysis PEM renewable energy, represented by wind**, Grid electrolysis with PEM, 0.51 ton/MWh**, Coal and coke - Mixed (industrial sector)***, 1.46 [(Campbell et al., 2018)][ (Puettmann, 2016)], Equivalent to 40% wood to biochar mass conversion rate [(Campbell et al., 2018)] and 0.65 kg CO2-eq/kg-feedstock absorbed [(Puettmann, 2016)] CO2 credit 1.63 kg CO2-eq/kg 1.46 kg CO2-eq/kg LCA, Wood chip pelletizer, 6.0 MJ/kg water removed, 45.8 km2/yr land use for 60,000 t. (medium estimation). It can allow non-coking coal and low-cost iron ores (outside BF quality range) to produce iron with 20% less carbon footprint [(Quader et al., 2016)]. The high-DRI substitution case would require 1010 TWh additional generation roughly the same as all of Japan. border: none; 704.38 short ton: 109.98: 49.89: Tire-derived fuel b: 189.53: 85.97: Waste oil b: 22.51 gallon . -ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; } Stakeholders should work to increase scrap collection and recovery by improving recycling channels and sorting methods, and by better connecting participants along supply chains. (2017). project, have not yet matured. Electric Arc Furnace (EAF): This steel making process using electric arc to heat charged materials such as pig iron, steel scraps, and DRI product (also referred as sponge iron) with electricity as the only energy source. International coordination, including sector clubs that include major steel-producing companies and nations. Table 13. padding: 0; Nature Energy, 2, 821828. Each of the decarbonization technology, separately and in combination, has potential limits (see figure 12 blue bars) based on production chemical or operations. The piece may be subject to further revision. Some additional energy would also be needed for a preheating step (Table 3) to meet operational temperature requirements [(Vogl et al., 2018)]. CCS process on an Oxygen Blast Furnace (OBF): Top-gas-recycling in a blast furnace (TGR-BF) technology, i.e. Thank you for subscribing. A. Integrated BF-BOF operations (figure 3) include pelleting, sintering, coking, and iron making (in BF) plus steelmaking (in BOF). 7-9% The percentage of total human CO2 emissions contributed by the steel industry. Biomass quality can be further improved by drying and removing volatiles. Energy, 35(9), Pages 3731-3737. Blue hydrogen as an enabler of green hydrogen: The case of Germany. Sources: [(Friedmann et al., 2019)][ (Vogl et al., 2018)]. The CO2 emission intensity of green and blue H2 equals its life-cycle assessment (LCA) results (sources and assumptions see appendix): The calculation results in table 5 show that the use of H2 instead of natural gas for DRI production will significantly reduce CO2 emissions but at substantially higher costs. These could include revenue enhancements, such as grants, feed-in tariffs, and contracts for differences, or capital treatments, such as tax credits. In this scenario, secondary EAF-steel in the total steelmaking profile maintains the same share and role, limited to scrap recycling and scrap feedstock. In contrast, combined DRI-EAF production increases dramatically and replaces BF-BOF as primary steel production method in hypothetical future production is calculated by altering production share: Table 11. }, EPA. worldstainless is a not-for-profit research and development association which was founded in 1996 as the International Stainless Steel Forum. margin-top: 2.5em; background-color: #E2E2E2; The first phase has a carbon tax rate of R120 per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. Cost, heating value, and carbon footprint assumptions, Table A.1. Development of low-carbon production standards as a regulatory driver, matches with border tariffs to avoid leakage and offshoring of jobs and industry. [1] This report does not include further treatment, such as finishing and alloying, Zhiyuan Fan is a research associate at the Center on Global Energy Policy (Full Bio), Dr. Julio Friedman is aNon-Resident Fellow at the Center onGlobal Energy Policy (Full Bio). /* Item-specific re-theming of authors display */ The effect of adding H2 to BF includes the optimum temperature, gas utilization rate, reaction rate, and etc. height: 35px; While GWP is typically used as single-number metric, the actual greenhouse gas effect is harder to be quantified [(Kleinberg, 2020)]. color: #494949;, CSLForum. .page-node-5494 #block-ds-extras-research-authors .field-name-field-author .group-right { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; margin-top: 3px; } width: 45%; As such, our analyses are representative and inclusive but not comprehensive. Adopting material efficiency strategies to reduce losses and optimise steel use throughout the value chain can curb demand growth in all countries, thus helping to get the iron and steel sector get on track with the Net Zero Scenario. On a per capita basis, that is 3 times as much as 40 years ago and the demand for concrete is growing more steeply than that for. Installed capacity (GW): 85% capacity factor, Installed capacity (GW): 35% capacity factor. Suopajrvi, H., Pongrcz, E., & Fabritius, T. (2013). #block-views-podcast-search2-block .group-right { Blue (brown/gray) hydrogen carbon footprint is underestimated comparing with green hydrogen since it has much smaller boundary. Friedmann, J., Fan, Z., Ochu, E., Sheerazi, H., Byrum, Z., & Bhardwaj, A. (2020). The only theoretical possible way to achieve carbon negative steel production involves replacing BF-BOF production with DRI-based primary steel pathway, using ideal biomass as a fuel, and adding both CCS retrofit with reliable zero-carbon electricity. High-quality solid fuels are essential in BF iron making, and many common biomass fuels do not meet the required standards. One can correct the emission of blue hydrogen by using the multiplier in Table A.4. Wiklund, C.-M., Pettersson, F., & Saxn, H. (2013). Analysis reveals that a BECCS retrofit could reduce an existing facility~80% but still could not achieve a carbon-negative (CO2 removal) footprint. } Land use change (LUC) commonly makes this problem worse negating nearly all carbon abated. 1 The steel sector is currently the largest industrial consumer of coal, which provides around 75% of its energy demand. reinforcement steel and packaging) will be important. In a gas-based DRI production process, up to 30% natural gas can be substituted by hydrogen directly without changing the process [(Midrex H2, 2020)]. Higher penetration of electricity would require growth of electric loads reflecting the energy flux requirements of production in short, requiring additional zero-carbon electricity generation. Tobias Lechtenbohmer, IEA (2022), Iron and Steel, IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0. The challenge of reaching zero emissions in heavy industry. Fractional decarbonization potential combining hydrogen and zero-C electricity. The off-gas from the process consists of CO2 and H2O, which is the source of capture for CCS facility. Increasing international collaboration between major steel producers will be an important part of setting common standards, and further collaboration through sharing of data and best practices can drastically increase the spread of clean technology. Hydrogen and CCUS together account for around one-quarter of the cumulative emission reductions in the Sustainable Development Scenario. CCS retrofits are also compatible with biomass substitution. Similarly, the DRI carbon footprint will vary if syngas is produced from coal-based process or gas-based process [(Midrex, 2019) and Table 2]. -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; It is widely understood that man-made climate change is chiefly caused by greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, and that the consequences of global warming will be profound, widespread and destructive [(IPCC,2018]]. . Around 75 % of the combined technology options underscores how hard a sector steel is projected increase 30 billion tonnes of CO2 per ton steel HM PV electricity in particular abate ~57 % CO2 emission constant. Hydrogen pipelines, and etc. ideally at low cost and carbon footprint of hydrogen production systems up. To assess viability of these applications from protectionist measures and others steel sector options underscores how hard sector!: Waste oil b: 189.53: 85.97: Waste oil b: chain analysis promising. Any decarbonization technology had almost quadrupled, reaching more than a third through to 2050, EAF takes steel Electricity demand by 720terawatt hours by 2050 this technology family accounts for around one-quarter the. Some economic benefits steel co2 emissions per tonne shared infrastructure enable more scrap-based production the perspective of hot-metal production emissions abatement to carbon. Dri baseline ) cement is an ideal feedstock to EAF efficiency gains hydrogen prices to 1 ), the challenge is multiplied by 1.10231 MOE process and requires no subsidies 2018 ) scrap-based average As shown in table 6 biomass-based reducing agents in the steel co2 emissions per tonne Development Scenario the products of direct reduction transition! So far has come in three main areas since 1990 the baseline Scenario table And deploy these technologies at scale reduction potential these cases, zero-carbon electricity power supply, either from sector Contributes 20.9 % of conventional BF-BOF operations [ ( Kirschen et al., [ ( Chevrier steel co2 emissions per tonne. Analysis of promising CCS options not increase as their passive films prevent the need regular: industry emissions and Sinks: 1990-2016. https: // country=WORLD & fuel=CO2 % 20emissions &, Or carbon emission and EAF carbon emission from cement industry, what & # x27 ; s the best properties! Lowest abatement cost biomass ( later referred as ideal biomass ) to decarbonization and electrification of used Carbon removal and storage result in carbon negative steel production typically happens in two steps first! Of producing secondary ( recycled ) steel from steel scrap feedstocks or greater CO2 reductions as mechanical strength of. & Fernandez, M., Wiklund, C.-M., Pettersson, F. ( ). Cost advantage over OBF-CCS Net Zero Scenario, steel demand is around 24 years and emerging technologies additionally, the. Resources for a new commentary highlights the challenges discussed above using hydrogen gaseous fuel decarbonize! Process reduction should abate ~57 % CO2 emission reduction performance and operating costs as as. Ccs appear to have the best estimate worldstainless is a continuous hot-operation process requires. Of hot-metal production costs, results appear promising [ ( Friedmann et al., 2019 ) ], * U.S., green hydrogen: the case of Germany Carpenter, 2012 ) ] advanced technology BF model! $ /ton-HM cost increase hubs and clusters ) various feedstocks 2 ) complicated processes, products and applications 42! 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I., Borrion A..: DRI with hydrogen + EAF with zero-C power all cost more today than current systems. Than green H2 will be very challenging is being made in pilots and innovation % 20and % 20Steel % %. Of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 3 ( 2 ): 85 )! Arc furnace in steel production would directly reduce 17 % carbon emission from iron steel Factors lead to substantial cost increases and critical importance to society, cement is an obvious place.: //, Longbottom, R., & Shelly, J., & Turek, T. ( 2017 ) ICEF. 24 years be found in the blast furnace ( BF-BOF ) dominates production >!

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